Je, tu, nous : toward a culture of difference : with a personal note by the author


Je, tu, nous : toward a culture of difference : with a personal note by the author

Luce Irigaray ; translated from the French by Alison Martin

(Routledge classics)

Routledge, 2007


Je, tu, nous

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



"First published in English 1993 by Routledge, originally published in French ... in 1990 by Editions Grasset & Fasquelle" -- T.p. verso

Includes bibliographical references and index

HTTP:URL= Information=Table of contents only



A passionate celebrator of "sexual difference," Luce Irigaray was never simply after the social equality that her generation so publicly demanded. She was seeking more fundamentally a society that celebrated the differences between the genders and their coming together in a union without hierarchy. As she formulates it in this compellingly readable introduction to her own thought, Irigaray is writing about how "I" and "You" become "We." Exploring along the way women's experiences of motherhood, abortion, the AIDS crisis and the beauty industry, this book presents one of the most important thinkers of our day in her own words.


A Personal Note: Equal or Different 1. The Neglect of Female Genealogies 2. Religious and Civil Myths 3. Women's Discourse and Men's Discourse 4. On the Maternal Order 5. The Culture of Difference 6. Writing as a Woman 7. 'I Won't Get AIDS' 8. Linguistic Sexes and Genders 9. The Right to Life 10. Why Define Sexed Rights? 11. 'More Women than Men' 12. Your Health: What, or Who, is it? 13. How can we Create our Beauty? 14. How Old are You? 15. The Cost of Words 16. So When are we to Become Women?

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