Seafood and freshwater toxins : pharmacology, physiology, and detection
Seafood and freshwater toxins : pharmacology, physiology, and detection
(Food science and technology / editors, Steven R. Tannenbaum, Pieter Walstra, 173)
CRC Press, c2008
2nd ed
- : hardcover : alk.
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全10件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
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The occurrence of marine and freshwater toxins is a rapidly evolving problem due to ever-changing circumstances. Expanding international commerce is forcing cargo ships into virgin territory, deforestation and pollution violate the natural ecological balance, and a changing climate holds unknown potential to alter current factors and trigger toxic blooms in new forms, at new rates, and in new places. Fortunately, with notable advances in analysis technology, the body of knowledge in the field is equally dynamic. In just six years since the first edition, toxins that warranted only line listings, including pfiestra, gambierol, and polycavernoside, are now worthy of entire chapters, requiring a new edition to encompass the expanding scope of the field. Emphasizes Human Response to New Toxins
Gathering contributions from international experts, Seafood and Freshwater Toxins: Pharmacology, Physiology, and Detection, Second Edition provides an overview of the current state-of-knowledge from several perspectives. Incorporating toxicology, chemistry, ecology, and economics, the book covers the biological aspects of the bloom and the effects and actions of each toxin with emphasis on human response. This edition includes more information on detection and analysis, toxicological information on previously little known toxins, and food safety issues.
Incorporating Pharmacological, Legal, and Economic Aspects, this book-
Begins with general information on risk assessment and analytical techniques
Cover several categories of toxins by function and biomechanism
Considers potential pharmacological applications and the use of toxins as precursors to therapeutic drugs
Highlights the legal and economic perspectives of toxic incidence in industrial activity and international regulation and monitoring programs
Describes new toxins by their individual chemical structure, ecobiology, metabolism, detection methods, determination, pharmacology, and toxicology
General Considerations
Risk Assessment of Marine Toxins, T. Aune
Analysis of Marine Toxins - Techniques, Method Validation, Calibration Standards and Screening Methods, P. Holland
The Epidemiological Impact of Toxic Episodes
Diarrheic Toxins, J. Gestal
Neurotoxic Toxins, B. Gessner and J.B. McLaughlin
Diversity of Marine Toxins as Pharmacological Tools
Calcium Channels for Exocytosis: Functional Modulation with Toxins, A. Garcia
The Mouse Bioassay as a Universal Detector, L.M Botana
Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP)
Metabolism of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins Incorporated into Bivalve, M. Kodama
Chemical Analysis, B. Ben and A. Villar
Pharmacology and Toxicology: Biological Detection Methods, B. Suarez
Diarrheic Episodes: Phosphatase Inhibitors.
Chemistry, Metabolism, Chemical Analysis of OA Group Toxins, P. MacNabb
Pharmacology and Toxicology, A. Tubaro
Lipophyllic Toxins: Non-phosphatase Inhibitors
Planktonic Dinoflagellates which Produce Polyether Toxins of the Old "DSP Complex", B. Reguera
Chemistry, Metabolism, Chemical Analysis, E. Fatorusso and P. Ciminello
Pharmacology and Mechanism of Action: Biological Detection, A. Alfonso
Toxicology of the Yessotoxins, R. Munday
Chemistry, Metabolism, and Chemical Detection Methods of Pectenotoxins, T. Suzuki
Pharmacology of Pectenotoxins, N. Vilarino
Toxicology of Pectenotoxins, R. Munday
Domoic Acid Intoxication
Ecobiology of ASP Producing Diatoms, Y. Kotaki
Domoic Acid: Detection Methods, Pharmacology and Toxicology, A. Tasker
Non-PSP Neurotoxic Episodes
The Ecobiology of the Brevetoxin, Ciguatoxin and Cyclic Imine Producers, L. Mackenzie
Ciguatera Toxins
Ciguatera Toxins: Chemistry, Toxicology and Detection, R. Dickey
Maitotoxin: a Unique Pharmacological T ool for Elucidating Ca2+-Dependent Mechanisms, A. Darszon
The Molecular and Integrative Basis to Brevetoxin Toxicity, J. Ramsdell
Dection of Brevetoxins in the 21st Century, M. Poli
Cyclic Imines and Spirolides
Cyclic Imine Toxins: Chemistry, Biogeography, Biosynthesis and Pharmacology, A. Cembella
Toxicology of Cyclic Imines: Gymnodimine, Spirolides, Pinnatoxins, Pteriatoxins, Prorocentrolide, Spiro-Prorpcentrimine, and Symbiomines, R. Munday
Polycavernosides: Gambierol
Polycavernosides: Gambierol, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Detection, C. Louzao
Palytoxin, Ostreocin, Ovatatoxin
Palytoxin and Analogues: Ecobiology and Origin. Chemistry, Metabolism and Chemical Analisis, P. Katikou
Diverse Chemical Structures and Bioactivities of Marine Toxin: Palytoxin and Symbiodinolide, D.Uemura
Palytoxins: Pharmacology and Biological Detection Methods, C. Vale
Occurrence and Toxicology of Palytoxins, R. Munday
Pfiesteria Toxins
Pfiesteria spp. Toxins: Unresolved Questions and an Alternative Hypotheses, G. Vasta and A. Place
Pharmacology and Epidemiological Impact of Azaspiracids, M. Ryan
Azaspiracids: Chemistry, Bioconversion and Determination, K. James
Toxicology of Azaspiracid 1, E. Ito
Cyanobacterial Toxins
Cyanobacterial Toxins in Aquaculture, P.T Smith
Cyanobacterial Neurotoxins, Anatoxin-a and Analogues: Detection and Analysis, K. James
Cyanobacterial Hepatotoxins: Chemistry, Biosynthesis, and Occurrence, M. Welker
Hepatotoxins: Context and Chemical Determination, K. James
Toxins as a Starting Point to Drugs
Marine Neurotoxins as a Starting Point to Drugs, M.R. Waters
Legal and Economical Views
Incidence of Marine Toxins on Industrial Activity, J M Vieites
Toxin Monitoring Programs and Regulatory View, M.L. Rodriguez-Velasco
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