Russia's agriculture in transition : factor markets and constraints on growth
Russia's agriculture in transition : factor markets and constraints on growth
(Rural economies in transition)
Lexington Books, c2008
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Russia's Agriculture in Transition: Factor Markets and Constraints on Growth examines the development of factor markets in Russian agriculture during the transition to a market economy and analyzes the impact of existing constraints on agricultural growth. It is the outcome of a 3-year study conducted with the support of BASIS/CRSP by an international team that included researchers from Russia, the United States, and Israel. The study focused specifically on the development of factor markets in Russian agriculture-markets for labor, purchased inputs, land, and credit. In the literature on transition agriculture, this book is the first devoted explicitly to markets for farm inputs, instead of markets for farm products. It is also unique in its integration of official statistical data with the findings of a large questionnaire-based survey designed to cover issues of agricultural land, labor, supply and use of purchased inputs, access to credit, and-ultimately-farm production with a view to efficiency estimations. Russia's Agriculture in Transition will be of great interest to development economists, agricultural economists, transition scholars, and international donor organizations, in addition to scholars and students of many other related disciplines.
Chapter 1. Introduction Part 2 Part I. Changing Farm Structure Chapter 3 Chapter 2. Large and Small Business in Russian Agriculture Chapter 4 Chapter 3. Development of Peasant Farms: The Case of Tambov Oblast in Central Russia Chapter 5 Chapter 4. Agroholdings: Russia's New Agricultural Operators Part 6 Part II. Developing Factor Markets Chapter 7 Chapter 5. Land Reform and Development of Land Markets Chapter 8 Chapter 6. Completing Agricultural Land Reform in Russia: A Western View of Outstanding Policy and Legal Issues Chapter 9 Chapter 7. Rural and Agricultural Labor Markets Chapter 10 Chapter 8. Markets for Purchased Farm Inputs Chapter 11 Chapter 9. Farm Finances and Access to Credit Part 12 Part III. Productivity and Efficiency of Russian Agriculture Chapter 13 Chapter 10. The Allocative Efficiency of Input Use in Russian Corporate Farms Chapter 14 Chapter 11. Allocative Efficiency of Corporate Farms: Evidence from the 2003 BASIS Survey Chapter 15 Chapter 12. Allocative Efficiency of Corporate Farms: Evidence from National Data Chapter 16 Chapter 13. Allocative Efficiency of Corporate Farms in Leningrad Oblast Chapter 17 Chapter 14. Technical Efficiency in Russian Agriculture Chapter 18 Chapter 15. Summary
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