An atlas of functions : with Equator, the atlas function calculator
An atlas of functions : with Equator, the atlas function calculator
Springer, c2009
2nd ed.
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全11件
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Includes CD-ROM
内容説明, on the publisher's website; please access and follow the links. This will be updated as and if new errors are detected or clarifications are found to be needed. Use of the Atlas of Functions or Equator, the Atlas function calculator is at your own risk. The authors and the publisher disclaim liability for any direct or consequential damage resulting from use of the Atlas or Equator. It is a pleasure to express our gratitude to Michelle Johnston, Sten Engblom, and Trevor Mace-Brickman for theirhelpinthecreationoftheAtlasandEquator. Thefrankcommentsofseveralreviewerswhoinspectedanearly versionofthemanuscripthavealsobeenofgreatvalue. WegivesincerethankstoSpringer,andparticularlytoAnn KostantandOonaSchmid,fortheircommitmenttothelengthytaskofcarryingtheconceptofAnAtlasofFunctions through to reality with thoroughness, enthusiasm, skill, and even some humor. Their forbearance in dealing with the authors is particularly appreciated. WehopeyouwillenjoyusingAnAtlasofFunctionsandEquator,andthattheywillprovehelpfulinyourwork or studies. January 2008 Keith B.
Oldham Jan C. Myland Jerome Spanier Every chapter has sections devoted to: notation, behavior, definitions, special cases, intrarelationships, expansions, particular values, numerical values, limits and approximations, operations of the calculus, complex argument, generalizations, and cognate functions. In addition, each chapter has the special features itemized below its title. PREFACE v GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 1 What functions are. Organization of the Atlas. Notational conventions. Rules of the calculus. THE CONSTANT FUNCTION c 13 Mathematical constants. Complex numbers. Pulse functions. Series of powers of natural numbers. THE FACTORIAL FUNCTION n!21 Double and triple factorial functions. Combinatorics. Stirling numbers of the second kind. THE ZETA NUMBERS AND RELATED FUNCTIONS 29 Special values. Apery's constant. The Debye functions of classical physics.
Preface.- The Constant Function c.- The Factorial Function n!.- The Zeta Numbers and Related Functions.- The Bernoulli Numbers Bn.- The Euler Numbers En.- The Bionmial Coefficients.- The Linear Function bx + c and Its Reciprocal.- Modifying Functions.- The Heaviside and Dirac Functions.- The Integer Powers xn and (bx + c)n.- The Square-Root Function and Its Reciprocal.- The Noninteger Power xv.- The Semielliptic Function and Its Reciprocal.- The (b/a)square root of x2 +- a2 Functions and Their Reciprocals.- The Quadratic Function ax + bx + c and Its Reciprocal.- The Cubic Function x3 + bx + c.- Polynomial Functions.- The Pochhammer Polynomials (x)n.- The Bernoulli Polynomials Bn(x).- The Euler Polynomials En(x).- The Legendre Polynomials Pn(x).- The Chebyshev Polynomials Tn(x) and Un(x).- The Laguerre Polynomials Ln(x).- The Hermite Polynomials Hn(x).- The Logarithmic Function ln(x).- The Exponential Function exp(x).- Exponential of Powers.- The Hyperbolic Cosine cosh(x). and Sine sinh(x) Functions.- The Hyperbolic Secant and Cosecant Functions.- The Inverse Hyperbolic Functions.- The Cosine cox(x) and Sine sin(x) Functions.- The Secant sec(x) and Cosecant csc(x) Fucntions.- The Tangent tan(x) and Cotangent cot(x) Functions.- The Inverse Circular Functions.- Periodic Functions.- The Exponential Integrals Ei(x) and Ein(x).- Sine and Cosine Integrals.- The Fresnel Integrals C(x) and S(x).- The Error Function erf(x) and Its Complement erfc(x).- The exp(x)erfc(square root of x) and Related Functions.- Dawson's Integral daw(x).- The Gamma Function.- The Digamma Function.- The Incomplete Gamma Functions.- The Parabolic Cylinder Function Dv(x).- The Kummer Function M(a, c, x).- The Tricomi Function U(a, c, x).- The Modified Bessel Functions In(x) of Integer Order.- The Modified Bessel Functions of In(x) Arbitrary Order.- The Macdonald Function Kv(x).- The Bessel Functions Jn(x) of Integer Order.- The Bessel Functions Jv(x) of Arbitrary Order.- The Neumann Function Yv(x). The Kelvin Functions.- The Airy Functions Ai(x) and Bi(x).- The Struve Function hv(x).- The Incomplete Beta Function.- The Legendre Functions Pv(x) and Qv(x).- The Gauss Hypergeometric Function F(a,b,c,x).- The Complete Elliptic Integrals K(k) and E(k).- The Incomplete Elliptic Integrals.- The Jacobian Elliptic Functions.- The Hurwitz Function.- Appendix A: Useful Data.- Appendix B: Bibliography.- Appendix C: Equator, The Atlas Function Calculator.- Symbol Index.- Subject Index.
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