Globalization and the state : sociological perspectives on the state of the state
Globalization and the state : sociological perspectives on the state of the state
Palgrave Macmillan, 2009
- : hardback
大学図書館所蔵 18件 / 全18件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
- Dignitas non moritur? : the state of the state in an age of social hypochondria / Willem Schinkel
- Uncertainty and other liquid-modern fears / Zygmunt Bauman
- The state and globalization : denationalized participation and more executive powers / Saskia Sassen
- The monitoring state and financial markets / Mirko Noordegraaf and Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens
- Framing the sovereignty of the "democratic state" sociologicaly : reflections on the political system, contemporary populism and democracy / Rudi Laermans
- The demons of an open society / Zygmunt Bauman
- Add a little Europe for extra national strength? : the Europeanization of justice and home affairs / Dennis Broeders
- Irregular migration, criminality and the state / Godfried Engbersen
- The transformation of the welfare state : what is left of public responsibility? / Romke van der Veen
- The new missions of the prison in the neo-liberal age / Loïc Wacquant
- Cosmopolitanism and nationalism / Craig Calhoun
Internationally-renowned scholars, including Zygmunt Bauman, Saskia Sassen, Loic Wacquant and Craig Calhoun come together in this exciting new collection to debate the role of the nation state in an age of globalization, examining key areas including finance, migration, terrorism, crime, the welfare state and the legal system.
- Notes on the contributors Dignitas non moritur? The State of the State in an Age of Social Hypochondria
- W. Schinkel The State and Globalization: Denationalized Participation and More Executive Powers
- S. Sassen The Monitoring State and Financial Markets
- M. Noordegraaf and L. Noordegraff-Eelens Framing the Sovereignty of 'The Democratic State' Sociologically: Reflections on the Political System, Contemporary Populism and Democracy
- R. Laermans The Demons of an Open Society
- Z. Bauman Add a Little Europe for Extra National Strength? The Europeanization of Justice and Home Affairs
- D. Broeders Irregular Migration, Criminality, and the State
- G. Engbersen The Transformation of the Welfare State: What is Left of Public Responsibility?
- R. van der Veen The New Mission of the Penal State
- L. Wacquant Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism
- C. Calhoun Conclusion: Towards a Sociological Theory of the State?
- W. Schinkel
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