Computational music science
series editors, Guerino B. Mazzola, Moreno Andreatta
- タイトル別名
関連文献: 10件中 1-10を表示
- The musical-mathematical mind : patterns and transformations
Gabriel Pareyon ... [et al.], editors
Springer c2017 Computational music science / series editors,
Guerino B. Mazzola, Moreno Andreatta 所蔵館1館
- Roots : appendices
Guerino Mazzola
Springer c2017 2nd ed Computational music science / series editors,
Guerino B. Mazzola, Moreno Andreatta . The topos of music ; 4 所蔵館7館
- Gestures : musical multiverse ontologies
Guerino Mazzola ... [et al.]
Springer c2017 2nd ed Computational music science / series editors,
Guerino B. Mazzola, Moreno Andreatta . The topos of music ; 3 所蔵館7館
- Performance : theory, software, and case studies
Guerino Mazzola
Springer c2017 2nd ed Computational music science / series editors,
Guerino B. Mazzola, Moreno Andreatta . The topos of music ; 2 所蔵館7館
- Theory : geometric logic, classification, harmony, counterpoint, motives, rhythm
Guerino Mazzola
Springer c2017 2nd ed Computational music science / series editors,
Guerino B. Mazzola, Moreno Andreatta . The topos of music ; 1 所蔵館7館
- Cool math for hot music : a first introduction to mathematics for music theorists
Guerino Mazzola, Maria Mannone, Yan Pang
Springer c2016 Computational music science / series editors,
Guerino B. Mazzola, Moreno Andreatta 所蔵館4館
- Musical creativity : strategies and tools in composition and improvisation
Guerino Mazzola, Joomi Park, Florian Thalmann
Springer c2011 Computational music science / series editors,
Guerino B. Mazzola, Moreno Andreatta 所蔵館3館
- Musical performance : a comprehensive approach : theory, analytical tools, and case studies
Guerino Mazzola
Springer c2011 Computational music science / series editors,
Guerino B. Mazzola, Moreno Andreatta : hbk
- Flow, gesture, and spaces in free jazz : towards a theory of collaboration
Guerino B. Mazzola, Paul B. Cherlin ; in collaboration with Mathias Rissi and Nathan Kennedy
Springer c2009 Computational music science / series editors,
Guerino B. Mazzola, Moreno Andreatta : hbk
- The Rubato Composer music software : component-based implementation of a functorial concept architecture
Gérard Milmeister ; [with contributions by Guerino Mazzola and Florian Thalmann]
Springer c2009 Computational music science / series editors,
Guerino B. Mazzola, Moreno Andreatta 所蔵館5館