The labour market triangle : employment protection, unemployment compensation and activation in Europe
The labour market triangle : employment protection, unemployment compensation and activation in Europe
(Globalization and welfare)
Edward Elgar, c2009
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全22件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
This fascinating book presents an in-depth study of the particular combination of unemployment insurance, employment protection and active labour market policies prevalent in seven European countries.Currently, European governments are being challenged to find an optimal social policy strategy that fosters 'flexicurity', whereby a flexible, well-functioning labour market is achieved, while protection for workers is maintained. The contributors explore the formal laws and regulations, as well as the administration and implementation of social policy, paying special attention to the role of the social partners. A detailed country comparison shows that the combination of social policy instruments is important to labour market performance, but that multiple optimal mixes already appear to exist.
The Labour Market Triangle will prove invaluable to academics in the field of policy research, including economists, sociologists and political scientists. Policy advisers and practitioners in the field of social policy, as well as representatives of trade unions, employers associations and political parties will find this multidisciplinary book of great interest.
1. Introduction: Achieving an Optimal Social Policy Mix
Paul de Beer and Trudie Schils
2. Sweden
Eskil Wadensjoe
3. Denmark
Per Kongshoj Madsen
4. The United Kingdom
Jochen Clasen
5. The Netherlands
Trudie Schils
6. Germany
Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Werner Eichhorst
7. Belgium
Johan De Deken
8. France
Jean-Claude Barbier
9. Conclusion: Is There a Golden Triangle?
Paul de Beer and Trudie Schils
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