The dictionary of eighteenth-century German philosophers


The dictionary of eighteenth-century German philosophers

general editors, Heiner F. Klemme, Manfred Kuehn

Continuum, 2010

  • : set : hbk
  • v. 1 : A-G
  • v. 2 : H-P
  • v. 3 : R-Z


Dictionary of eighteenth-century German philosophers

大学図書館所蔵 31件 / 31




Includes bibliographical references (p. xiii-xv) and index



This monumental work features the most important German philosophers, jurists, pedagogues, literary critics, doctors, historians, and others whose work has philosophical significance who lived and wrote in the eighteenth century, covering the period between 1701 and 1801. The Dictionary includes work by philosophers whose mother tongue was German, were published in German or who lived in Germany for an extended period of time. Since historic borders are different from today's, the Dictionary includes authors born or who lived in places such as Strasbourg, Danzig, Koenisberg, or Austria. Swiss philosophers are also covered. These philosophers published in German, Latin, French, and Hebrew. Since German philosophy cannot be understood without the influence of French and English philosophers, the work also includes translators and editors. Each entry aims to give the reader insight into the philosophers' life and contribution to the world of thought. Bibliographical references will help with further research. The entries include a biographical sketch, analysis of doctrines with emphasis on historical context, subsequent influences, and bibliography of further works and secondary literature.

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