Transportation indicators and business cycles


Transportation indicators and business cycles

Kajal Lahiri

(Contributions to economic analysis, 289)

Emerald, 2010

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 27



Includes bibliographical references (p. [125]-130)



"Transportation Indicators and Business Cycles" recognises the important role the transportation sector plays in business cycle propagation and develops indicators for this sector to identify its current state, and predict its future. The reference cycle is defined, including business and growth cycles, for this sector over the period from 1979 using both the conventional National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) method and modern time series models. A one-to-one correspondence between cycles in the transportation sector and those in the aggregate economy is found. It also constructs an index of leading indicators for the transportation sector using rigorous statistical procedures, and performs well as a forecasting tool.


Introduction. Chapter 1 Transportation Services Index (TSI) and Its Characteristics. Chapter 2 Composite Coincident Index of the Transportation Sector and Its Linkages to the Economy. Chapter 3 Leading Indicators for the U.S. Transportation Sector. Chapter 4 TSI as a Part of the Coincident Indicators System. Chapter 5 Transportation Indicators: Summary and Concluding Remarks. References. Contributions to Economic Analysis. Transportation Indicators and Business Cycles. Copyright page. INTRODUCTION TO THE SERIES.

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