The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of childhood cognitive development
The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of childhood cognitive development
(Blackwell handbooks of developmental psychology)
Wiley-Blackwell, 2011
2nd ed
- タイトル別名
Childhood cognitive development
大学図書館所蔵 46件 / 全46件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
This definitive volume is the result of collaboration by top scholars in the field of children's cognition.
New edition offers an up-to-date overview of all the major areas of importance in the field, and includes new data from cognitive neuroscience and new chapters on social cognitive development and language
Provides state-of-the-art summaries of current research by international specialists in different areas of cognitive development
Spans aspects of cognitive development from infancy to the onset of adolescence
Includes chapters on symbolic reasoning, pretend play, spatial development, abnormal cognitive development and current theoretical perspectives
Acknowledgements x
List of Contributors xi
Introduction 1
Part I Infancy: The Origins of Cognitive Development 5
1 How Do Infants Reason About Physical Events? 11
Renee Baillargeon, Jie Li, Yael Gertner, and Di Wu
2 Social Cognition and the Origins of Imitation, Empathy, and Theory of Mind 49
Andrew N. Meltzoff
3 Kinds of Agents: The Origins of Understanding Instrumental and Communicative Agency 76
Gyoergy Gergely
4 Social Cognition and Social Motivations in Infancy 106
Malinda Carpenter
5 Born to Categorize 129
Paul C. Quinn
6 Early Memory Development 153
Patricia J. Bauer, Marina Larkina, and Joanne Deocampo
7 Early Word-Learning and Conceptual Development: Everything Had a Name, and Each Name Gave Birth to a New Thought 180
Sandra R. Waxman and Erin M. Leddon
Part II Cognitive Development in Early Childhood 209
8 Development of the Animate-Inanimate Distinction 213
John E. Opfer and Susan A. Gelman
9 Language Development 239
Michael Tomasello
10 Developing a Theory of Mind 258
Henry M. Wellman
11 Pretend Play and Cognitive Development 285
Angeline Lillard, Ashley M. Pinkham, and Eric Smith
12 Early Development of the Understanding and Use of Symbolic Artifacts 312
Judy S. DeLoache
Part III Topics in Cognitive Development in Childhood 337
13 Memory Development in Childhood 347
Wolfgang Schneider
14 Causal Reasoning and Explanation 377
Barbara Koslowski and Amy Masnick
15 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning 399
Usha Goswami
16 The Development of Moral Reasoning 420
Larry P. Nucci and Matthew Gingo
17 Spatial Development: Evolving Approaches to Enduring Questions 446
Lynn S. Liben and Adam E. Christensen
18 Children's Intuitive Physics 473
Friedrich Wilkening and Trix Cacchione
19 What is Scientific Thinking and How Does it Develop? 497
Deanna Kuhn
20 Reading Development and Dyslexia 524
Margaret J. Snowling and Silke M. Goebel
21 Children's Understanding of Mathematics 549
Peter Bryant and Terezinha Nunes
22 Executive Function in Typical and Atypical Development 574
Philip David Zelazo and Ulrich Muller
23 Language and Cognition: Evidence from Disordered Language 604
Barbara Dodd and Sharon Crosbie
24 The Empathizing-Systematizing (E-S) Theory of Autism: A Cognitive Developmental Account 626
Simon Baron-Cohen
Part IV Theories of Cognitive Development 641
25 Piaget's Theory: Past, Present, and Future 649
Patricia H. Miller
26 Vygotsky and Psychology 673
Harry Daniels
27 Information-Processing Models of Cognitive Development 697
Graeme S. Halford and Glenda Andrews
28 Neuroconstructivism 723
Gert Westermann, Michael S. C. Thomas, and Annette Karmiloff-Smith
29 Individual Differences in Cognitive Development 749
Robert J. Sternberg
Index 775
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