Intelligent and ubiquitous interaction environments



Intelligent and ubiquitous interaction environments

Constantine Stephanidis (ed.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 5615 . Universal access in human-computer interaction : 5th International Conference, UAHCI 2009, held as part of HCI International 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, 2009 : proceedings ; pt. 2)

Springer, c2009

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



The 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI Inter- tional 2009, was held in San Diego, California, USA, July 19-24, 2009, jointly with the Symposium on Human Interface (Japan) 2009, the 8th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, the 5th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, the Third International Conf- ence on Virtual and Mixed Reality, the Third International Conference on Internati- alization, Design and Global Development, the Third International Conference on Online Communities and Social Computing, the 5th International Conference on Augmented Cognition, the Second International Conference on Digital Human Mod- ing, and the First International Conference on Human Centered Design. A total of 4,348 individuals from academia, research institutes, industry and gove- mental agencies from 73 countries submitted contributions, and 1,397 papers that were judged to be of high scientific quality were included in the program. These papers - dress the latest research and development efforts and highlight the human aspects of the design and use of computing systems. The papers accepted for presentation thoroughly cover the entire field of human-computer interaction, addressing major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of application areas.


Universal Access in the Home Environment.- Key Properties in the Development of Smart Spaces.- Design a Multi-Touch Table and Apply to Interior Furniture Allocation.- Implementation of a User Interface Model for Systems Control in Buildings.- A Web-Based 3D System for Home Design.- Attitudinal and Intentional Acceptance of Domestic Robots by Younger and Older Adults.- Natural Language Interface for Smart Homes.- Development of Real-Time Face Detection Architecture for Household Robot Applications.- Appropriate Dynamic Lighting as a Possible Basis for a Smart Ambient Lighting.- A New Approach for Accessible Interaction within Smart Homes through Virtual Reality.- A Design of Air-Condition Remote Control for Visually Impaired People.- Verb Processing in Spoken Commands for Household Security and Appliances.- Thermal Protection of Residential Buildings in the Period of Energy Crisis and Its Influence on Comfort of Living.- Design for All Approach with the Aim to Support Autonomous Living for Elderly People in Ordinary Residences - An Implementation Strategy.- Speech Input from Older Users in Smart Environments: Challenges and Perspectives.- Sympathetic Devices: Communication Technologies for Inclusion Across Housing Options.- Ambient Intelligence and Ambient Assisted Living.- Design Framework for Ambient Assisted Living Platforms.- Ambient Intelligence in Working Environments.- Towards a Framework for the Development of Adaptive Multimodal User Interfaces for Ambient Assisted Living Environments.- Workflow Mining Application to Ambient Intelligence Behavior Modeling.- Middleware for Ambient Intelligence Environments: Reviewing Requirements and Communication Technologies.- A Hybrid Approach for Recognizing ADLs and Care Activities Using Inertial Sensors and RFID.- Towards Universal Access to Home Monitoring for Assisted Living Environment.- An Approach to and Evaluations of Assisted Living Systems Using Ambient Intelligence for Emergency Monitoring and Prevention.- Anamorphosis Projection by Ubiquitous Display in Intelligent Space.- AAL in the Wild - Lessons Learned.- A Modelling Framework for Ambient Assisted Living Validation.- Methods for User Experience Design of AAL Services.- Self Care System to Assess Cardiovascular Diseases at Home.- Ambient Intelligence and Knowledge Processing in Distributed Autonomous AAL-Components.- Configuration and Dynamic Adaptation of AAL Environments to Personal Requirements and Medical Conditions.- Mobile and Ubiquitous Interaction.- Designing Universally Accessible Networking Services for a Mobile Personal Assistant.- Activity Recognition for Everyday Life on Mobile Phones.- Kinetic User Interface: Interaction through Motion for Pervasive Computing Systems.- On Efficiency of Adaptation Algorithms for Mobile Interfaces Navigation.- Accessible User Interfaces in a Mobile Logistics System.- Multimodal Interaction for Mobile Learning.- Acceptance of Mobile Entertainment by Chinese Rural People.- Universal Mobile Information Retrieval.- ActionSpaces: Device Independent Places of Thought, Memory and Evolution.- Face Recognition Technology for Ubiquitous Computing Environment.- Location-Triggered Code Execution - Dismissing Displays and Keypads for Mobile Interaction.- Mobile Interaction: Automatically Adapting Audio Output to Users and Contexts on Communication and Media Control Scenarios.- Interactive Photo Viewing on Ubiquitous Displays.- Mobile Audio Navigation Interfaces for the Blind.- A Mobile Communication System Designed for the Hearing-Impaired.- A Study on the Icon Feedback Types of Small Touch Screen for the Elderly.- Ubiquitous Accessibility: Building Access Features Directly into the Network to Allow Anyone, Anywhere Access to Ubiquitous Computing Environments.- Using Distributed Processing to Create More Powerful, Flexible and User Matched Accessibility Services.- Spearcon Performance and Preference for Auditory Menus on a Mobile Phone.- Design and Evaluation of Innovative Chord Input for Mobile Phones.- Alternative Interaction Techniques and Devices.- The Potential of the BCI for Accessible and Smart e-Learning.- Visualizing Thermal Traces to Reveal Histories of Human-Object Interactions.- Interacting with the Environment through Non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces.- Movement and Recovery Analysis of a Mouse-Replacement Interface for Users with Severe Disabilities.- Sonification System of Maps for Blind - Alternative View.- Scanning-Based Human-Computer Interaction Using Intentional Muscle Contractions.- Utilizing an Accelerometric Bracelet for Ubiquitous Gesture-Based Interaction.- A Proposal of New Interface Based on Natural Phenomena and So on (2).- Timing and Accuracy of Individuals with and without Motor Control Disabilities Completing a Touch Screen Task.- Gaze and Gesture Activity in Communication.- Augmenting Sticky Notes as an I/O Interface.- Sonification of Spatial Information: Audio-Tactile Exploration Strategies by Normal and Blind Subjects.- What You Feel Is What You Get: Mapping GUIs on Planar Tactile Displays.- Multitouch Haptic Interaction.- Free-form Sketching with Ball B-Splines.- BC(eye): Combining Eye-Gaze Input with Brain-Computer Interaction.- Colorimetric and Photometric Compensation for Optical See-Through Displays.- A Proposal of New Interface Based on Natural Phenomena and so on (1).- Intelligence, Adaptation and Personalisation.- Managing Intelligent Services for People with Disabilities and Elderly People.- A Parameter-Based Model for Generating Culturally Adaptive Nonverbal Behaviors in Embodied Conversational Agents.- Intelligence on the Web and e-Inclusion.- Accelerated Algorithm for Silhouette Fur Generation Based on GPU.- An Ortho-Rectification Method for Space-Borne SAR Image with Imaging Equation.- Robust Active Appearance Model Based Upon Multi-linear Analysis against Illumination Variation.- Modeling and Simulation of Human Interaction Based on Mutual Beliefs.- Development of Open Platform Based Adaptive HCI Concepts for Elderly Users.- User Individual Differences in Intelligent Interaction: Do They Matter?.- Intelligent Interface for Elderly Games.- User Interface Adaptation of Web-Based Services on the Semantic Web.- Measuring Psychophysiological Signals in Every-Day Situations.- Why Here and Now.- A Framework for Service Convergence via Device Cooperation.- Enhancements to Online Help: Adaptivity and Embodied Conversational Agents.- Adaptive User Interfaces: Benefit or Impediment for Lower-Literacy Users?.- Adaptative User Interfaces to Promote Independent Ageing.

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