The politics and aesthetics of entrepreneurship : a fourth movements in entrepreneurship book


The politics and aesthetics of entrepreneurship : a fourth movements in entrepreneurship book

edited by Daniel Hjorth and Chris Steyaert ; in association with ESBRI

(Movements in entrepreneurship)

E. Elgar, c2009

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 234-265) and index



This fourth book in the New Movements in Entrepreneurship series focuses on the politics and aesthetics of entrepreneurial processes, in order to shed light on entrepreneurial creation itself. Presenting original empirical material, the eminent contributors examine control and entrepreneurship in various organizational contexts. They go on to demonstrate how control can be exercised entrepreneurially, how art brings an entrepreneurial force into society, and how entrepreneurship operates by aesthetic moves. The need to move beyond the traditional focus on the economic and business implications of entrepreneurship is also discussed, as is the relevance of political and aesthetic theory to our understanding of entrepreneurship as a creative force. The book provides entrepreneurship studies with a new language, that in itself is an aesthetic effort with political implications, resulting in new theoretical, empirical and practical possibilities. It will prove a fascinating read for students, academics and researchers with an interest in entrepreneurship and management and creativity and aesthetics.


Contents: Foreword 1. Entrepreneurship as Disruptive Event Daniel Hjorth and Chris Steyaert PART I: ENTREPRENEURIAL POLICIES 2. Freedom, Opportunism and Entrepreneurialism in Post-Bureaucratic Organizations Christian Maravelias 3. Fostering a Regional Innovation System - Looking into the Power of Policy-making Caroline Wigren and Leif Melin 4. Government Entrepreneurship and the Arts: The Politics of the National Endowment for the Arts Lauretta Conklin Frederking PART II: ENTREPRENEURIAL PLACES 5. Opening the Gates to the Art Firm: The Christos as Entrepreneurs Pierre Guillet de Monthoux 6. Spaces of Intensity - Urban Entrepreneurship as Redistribution of the Sensible Timon Beyes 7. Rekindling the Entrepreneurial Potential of Family Business - A Radical (Old-fashioned) Feminist Proposal Kathryn Campbell PART III: ENTREPRENEURIAL IDENTITIES 8. Is the Marquis de Sade an Entrepreneur? Campbell Jones and Andre Spicer 9. Playing the Fool? An Aesthetic Performance of an Entrepreneurial Identity Lorraine Warren and Alistair Anderson 10. Stigmatization and Self-Presentation in Australian Entrepreneurial Identity Formation James Reveley and Simon Down PART IV: ENTREPRENEURIAL IMAGES 11. Metamorphoses in Entrepreneurship Studies: Towards an Affirmative Politics of Entrepreneuring Richard Weiskopf and Chris Steyaert 12. The Entrepreneurial Utopia: Miss Black Rose and the Holy Communion Bent M. Sorensen 13. Moving Entrepreneurship: An Incipiency Daniel Hjorth and Chris Steyaert References Index

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  • ISBN
    • 9781847205742
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Cheltenham, U.K.
  • ページ数/冊数
    x, 277 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID