
Nuclear organization and function

(Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology, v. 75)

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2010

  • : pbk
  • : cloth

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 31



"Meeting organized by Terri Grodzicker, David Spector, David Stewart, and Bruce Stillman."

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



This volume is based on presentations by the world-renowned investigators who gathered at the 75th annual Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology to discuss the organization and function of the cell nucleus. It reviews the latest advances in research into nuclear structure, the organization of the genome within the nucleus, and spatiotemporal coordination of nuclear processes. The topics examined include nuclear domains, chromatin organization, transcription and RNA processing, DNA replication, nuclear reprogramming, and epigenetics. Cancer, premature aging syndromes, and other diseases that may be associated with altered nuclear organization are also covered.

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