Migration, remittances and development in South Asia


Migration, remittances and development in South Asia

edited by Saman Kelegama

SAGE, 2011

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references and index



Migration, Remittances and Development in South Asia explores the impact of migration on development in South Asian countries, compiling extensive information on the migration flows and trends, migrant remittances and migration policies. It discusses a number of proposals for effective cooperation on protection of migrant rights and promotion of migration and development linkages. Through a nuanced look at the role of remittances in bringing about development, it takes cognizance of the fact that remittances alone are unlikely to lift people out of poverty; rather, it is their interplay with other economic, social and cultural factors which determines the scale and type of impact that remittances can have on poverty reduction. The book also examines how migration should be brought into the mainstream of development planning where development must be understood as a dynamic process implying growth, advancement, empowerment and progress, with the goal of enlarging the scope of human choices and creating an environment where citizens can live with dignity and equality.


India - S Irudaya Rajan Pakistan - Rizwana Siddiqui Sri Lanka - Nisha Arunatilake, Priyanka Jayawardena and Dushni Weerakoon Bangladesh - Selim Raihan and Syed Al-Helal Uddin Nepal - Jagannath Adhikari Bhutan - Sonam Tobgay Maldives - Deshal De Mel and Suwendrani Jayaratne Afghanistan - Tilani Jayawardhana and Roshini Jayaweera South Asia: Issues on Migration and Development - Piyasiri Wickramasekara Case for a South Asian Commission - Farooq Sobhan

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