Declarationes ad censuras Lutetiae vulgatas sub nomine facultatis theologiae Parisiensis


Declarationes ad censuras Lutetiae vulgatas sub nomine facultatis theologiae Parisiensis

edited, translated, and annotated by Clarence H. Miller ; introduction by Clarence H. Miller and James K. Farge

(Collected works of Erasmus, v. 82 . Controversies)

University of Toronto Press, c2012

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 34



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Erasmus' humanistic approach to theology and biblical exegesis presented a shocking challenge to the theologians at the University of Paris, which had been dominated by scholastic theology for centuries. He engaged in a decade-long controversy over his theological, exegetical, and ethical positions with the Theological Faculty, and especially with their director, Noël Béda. This volume—which translates this crucial quarrel from Latin for the first time—details the formal, wide-ranging attack on Erasmus' theories printed by the faculty in 1531, along with his two replies. Erasmus published his first rebuttal in the spring of 1532, and that fall issued a second edition with substantial revisions and lengthy additions to his original text. With an extensive introduction and detailed commentary by Clarence H. Miller and James K. Farge, this volume highlights the differences between the humanist and scholastic views of genuine theology more fully and extensively than most of Erasmus' other polemical works. Volume 82 of the Collected Works of Erasmus series.


Introduction, by Clarence H. Miller and James K. Farge Clarifications Concerning the Censures Published in Paris in the Name of the Parisian Faculty of Theology Works Frequently Cited Short-title forms for Erasmus’ Works General Index

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