International law and freshwater : the multiple challenges


International law and freshwater : the multiple challenges

edited by Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Christina Leb, Mara Tignino

(New horizons in environmental and energy law)

Edward Elgar, c2013

  • : hardcover

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



This excellent book covers the important legal and political perspectives on the world's freshwater resources. The chapters, written by distinguished experts from academia and practice, systematically address issues of economics, environment, sovereignty over resources, energy, conflict resolution, and in addition offer some in depth case studies. A wonderful book and compulsory reading for who needs to have the full picture of the complex international dynamics of freshwater in our time.' - Catherine Broelmann, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 'In sum, the volume is a must for all those who know and practice international and domestic water law, who influence the international water governance debate at the global, regional, and sub-regional scales, and who, in general, interact with water resources in the transboundary but also in the domestic setting of their respective countries.' - Stefano Burchi, Chairman of the International Association for Water Law - AIDA'International Law and Freshwater is an outstanding piece of legal and policy scholarship that poignantly, thoughtfully and effectively addresses the who, what, where, when and how of international waters governance and international law.' - Richard Kyle Paisley, University of British Columbia, Canada The issues surrounding water embody some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The editors of this timely book have brought together the leading authors in the field to explore the key questions involving international law and water governance. International Law and Freshwater connects recent legal developments through the breadth and synergies of a multidisciplinary analysis. It addresses such critical issues as water security, the right to water, international cooperation and dispute resolution, State succession to transboundary watercourse treaties, and facets of international economic law, including trade in 'virtual water' and the impacts of 'land grabs'. Containing detailed analysis and thought-provoking solutions, this book will appeal to researchers and academics working in the legal field, as well as international relations and natural sciences. Water practitioners, public officials, diplomats and students will also find much to interest them in this insightful study. Contributors: A.S. Al-Khasawneh, U. Alam, L. Boisson de Chazournes, L. Caflisch, M. Claassen, C. de Albuquerque, G. de los Cobos, L. del Castillo-Laborde, D. Garrick, J. Granit, D. Grey, E. Hey, V. Hughes, M. Kohen, C. Leb, G. Marceau, M.M. Mbengue, S.C. McCaffrey, O. McIntyre, S.M.A. Salman, D. Shelton, A. Tanzi, M. Tignino, B.A. Yimer


Contents: Foreword 1. Introduction Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Christina Leb and Mara Tignino 2. The Law of International Watercourses: Achievements and Challenges Lucius Caflisch PART I: WATER AS A VITAL RESOURCE FOR STATES AND INDIVIDUALS 3. Water Security, Perceptions and Politics: The Context for International Watercourse Negotiations David Grey and Dustin Garrick 4. Water and Sanitation are Human Rights: Why Does it Matter? Catarina de Albuquerque 5. Water Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Dinah Shelton 6. Do People Have Rights in Boundaries' Delimitations? Marcelo Kohen and Mara Tignino PART II: THE PROMOTION OF WATER COOPERATION THROUGH UNIVERSAL, REGIONAL AND LOCAL REGIMES 7. The Codification of Universal Norms: A Means to Promote Cooperation and Equity? Stephen C. McCaffrey 8. A Scalable Approach Towards Realizing Tangible Benefits in Transboundary River Basins and Regions Jakob Granit and Marius Claassen 9. Regional Contributions to International Water Cooperation: The UNECE Contribution Attila Tanzi 10. Transboundary Water Resources and International Law: The Example of the Aquifer Management of the Geneva Region (Switzerland and France) Gabriel de los Cobos 11. The Guarani Aquifer Framework Agreement (2010) Lilian del Castillo-Laborde 12. The Senegal River Legal Regime and its Contribution to the Development of the Law of International Watercourses in Africa Makane Moise Mbengue PART III: WATER AS A SHARED NATURAL RESOURCE 13. The Contribution of Procedural Rules to the Environmental Protection of Transboundary Rivers in Light of Recent ICJ Case Law Owen McIntyre 14. WTO and Trade in Natural Resources Valerie Hughes and Gabrielle Marceau 15. Virtual Water, 'Land Grab' and International Law Ellen Hey 16. Competing Water Use in Large-scale Commercial Farms: Ethiopia Bahakal Abate Yimer PART IV: PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF WATER-RELATED DISPUTES 17. Do Judicial Decisions Settle Water-related Disputes? Awn S. Al-Khasawneh 18. Mediation of International Water Disputes - The Indus, the Jordan, and the Nile Basins Interventions Salman M.A. Salman 19. India and Pakistan's Truculent Cooperation: Can it Continue? Undala Alam 20. State Succession to Water Treaties: Uncertain Streams Christina Leb and Mara Tignino Index

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