The changing geography of international business



The changing geography of international business

edited by Gary Cook and Jennifer Johns

(The Academy of International Business series)

Palgrave Macmillan, 2013

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes index



Presents papers which grapple with some of the most important developments and challenges in International Business, both for the firms who must fashion strategy within a rapidly changing world economic order and researchers who seek to explain the nature of these shifts and how firms respond.


  • Introduction
  • Gary Cook and Jennifer Johns Keynote address: Flatness
  • Ram Mudambi PART I: INSTITUTIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 1. Outward Foreign Direct Investment and the Adaptive Efficiency of the German Institutional System
  • Heinz-Josef Tuselmann, Frank McDonald, Martin T. Bohl, Svitlana Voronkova and Paul Windrum 2. The Impact of Institutions on Economic Growth in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Matthew M.C. Allen and Maria L. Aldred 3. Why do MNEs Engage in MNE-Government Relations? Empirical Evidence from the European Union and the Automotive Industry
  • Sigrun M. Wagner PART II: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ACROSS DIFFERENT SPATIAL SCALES 4. Country Linkages and Firm Internationalisation: Indian MNEs within Economic-Political Alliances of Nations
  • Peter J. Buckley, Peter Enderwick, Nicolas Forsans and Surender Munjal 5. A Critical Review of Hidden Champions and Emerging Research Findings on Their International Strategies and Orientations
  • Alessa Witt and Chris Carr 6. The Role of Language on Affiliates' Competence-Creation: Evidence from the MNE Linkage across 45 Countries
  • Yong Yang and Caleb CY Kwong 7. Reconceptualising Cross-border Knowledge Acquisition: An Empirical Investigation into Antecedents
  • Mia Hsiao-Wen Ho PART III: PLACING MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES 8. Service Sector Clustering and Multinational Enterprise: Evidence from UK Film and Television
  • Gary Cook and Naresh R. Pandit 9. Redundancies in External Relationships of Multinational Corporations - A Firm-Level Conceptual Model: Phillip C. Nell, Ulf Andersson and Bjorn Ambos 10. Examining Strategy Diversity and Interdependence in The MNC's Subsidiaries and Their Functional Activities
  • Paz Estrella Tolentino, Odile E.M. Janne and Pi-Chi Chen 11. Exploring Foreign Direct Investment and Technology and Knowledge Transfer Issues in Africa
  • Ellis Osabutey 12. New Venture Internationalisation and the Cluster Life Cycle: Insights from Ireland's Indigenous Software Industry
  • Mike Crone

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