Higher education systems 3.0 : harnessing systemness, delivering performance


Higher education systems 3.0 : harnessing systemness, delivering performance

edited by Jason E. Lane and D. Bruce Johnstone

(SUNY series, critical issues in higher education)

State University of New York Press, c2013

  • : pbk
  • : hardcover

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references and index



An exploration of multi-campus higher education systems and their role in improving communities and their economies. This thought-provoking volume brings together scholars and system leaders to analyze some of the most pressing and complex issues now facing higher education systems and society. Higher Education Systems 3.0 focuses on the remaking of higher education coordination in an era of increased accountability, greater calls for productivity, and intensifying fiscal austerity. System heads have been identifying ways to harness the collective contributions of their various institutions to benefit the students, communities, and other stakeholders that they serve. The contributors explore the recent dynamics of higher education systems, focusing particularly on how systems are now working to improve their effectiveness in educating students and improving our communities, while also identifying new means for operating more efficiently. This enhanced collaboration, or systemness, is the key aspect of version 3.0.


List of Illustrations Acknowledgments Part I. The History and Definition of Systemness 1. Higher Education System 3.0: Adding Value to States and Institutions Jason E. Lane 2. Systemness: Unpacking the Value of Higher Education Systems Nancy L. Zimpher 3. The History and Evolution of Higher Education Systems in the United States Aims C. McGuinness Jr. Part II. Challenges to System Innovation: Unpacking the Tensions 4. Higher Educational Autonomy and the Apportionment of Authority among State Governments, Public Multi-Campus Systems, and Member Colleges and Universities D. Bruce Johnstone 5. The Changing Role of Higher Education Systems in Finance Jane V. Wellman 6. Reorganizing Higher Education Systems: By Drift or Design? Katharine C. Lyall 7. Board Governance of Public University Systems: Balancing Institutional Independence and System Coordination C. Judson King 8. Systems, Ecosystems, and Change in State-Level Public Higher Education Mario Martinez and Brandy Smith 9. Serving Public Purposes: Challenges for Systems in Changing State Context Aims C. McGuinness Jr. Part III. Emerging Roles for Systems 10. The Changing Role of Systems in Academic Affairs Jan M. Ignash 11. Workforce Development at Community Colleges: Can Systems Make a Difference? David F. Shaffer 12. The Systemness of Internationalization Strategies: How Higher Education Systems Are Aiding Institutions with Globalization Jason E. Lane 13. Higher Education Systems in an Era of Public Engagement: An Organizational Learning Perspective David J. Weerts Contributors Index

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