The Wiley Blackwell handbook of childhood social development
The Wiley Blackwell handbook of childhood social development
(Blackwell handbooks of developmental psychology)
Wiley Blackwell, 2014
2nd ed
- : pbk
電子リソースにアクセスする 全1件
大学図書館所蔵 11件 / 全11件
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"Edition history: Blackwell Publishing Ltd (hardback, 2011)"--T.p. verso
Includes bibliographical references and index
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development, Second Edition presents an authoritative and up-to-date overview of research and theory concerning a child's social development from pre-school age to the onset of adolescence.
Presents the most up-to-date research and theories on childhood social development
Features chapters by an international cast of leaders in their fields
Includes comprehensive coverage of a range of disciplinary perspectives
Offers all new chapters on children and the environment, cultural influences, history of childhood, interventions, and neuro-psychological perspectives
Represents an essential resource for students and researchers of childhood social development
List of Contributors ix
Introduction by the Editors xiii
Part I Historical Overview 1
1 Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Research in Social Development 3
W. Andrew Collins
Part II Disciplinary Perspectives on Social Development 23
2 Behavioral Genetics 27
Alice M. Gregory, Harriet A. Ball, and Tanya M. M. Button
3 Conceptual Development and Emotion: A Neuropsychological Perspective 45
Steven Woltering and Marc D. Lewis
4 Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Development 64
David F. Bjorklund and Anthony D. Pellegrini
5 Historical Reframing of Childhood 82
Willem Koops
6 Cultural Psychological Perspectives on Social Development in Childhood 100
Heidi Fung
7 Sociological Perspectives on Social Development 119
Gerald Handel
Part III Ecological Contexts for Social Development 139
8 Culture and Social Development 141
Xinyin Chen, Janet Chung, Rachel Lechcier-Kimel, and Doran French
9 The Social Development of Immigrant Children: A Focus on Asian and Hispanic Children in the United States 161
Charissa S. L. Cheah and Christy Y. Y. Leung
10 Children's Interpersonal Skills and School-Based Relationships 181
Gary W. Ladd, Becky Kochenderfer-Ladd, and Ann-Margret Rydell
11 Environmental Psychology 207
Christopher Spencer and Kate Gee
Part IV Child and Contextual Factors in Social Development 225
12 Temperament and Social Development 227
Ann Sanson, Sheryl A. Hemphill, Bilge Yagmurlu, and Sandee McClowry
13 Children's Social Development Within the Socialization Context of Child Care and Early Childhood Education 246
Carollee Howes
14 The Interplay Between Parents and Peers as Socializing Infl uences in Children's Development 263
Stephanie M. Reich and Deborah Lowe Vandell
15 Sex Differences in Social Behavior 281
Vickie Pasterski, Susan Golombok, and Melissa Hines
16 Ethnicity, Race, and Children's Social Development 299
Stephen M. Quintana
Part V Family Context 317
17 Parent-Child Attachment in Early and Middle Childhood 319
Laura E. Brumariu and Kathryn A. Kerns
18 Parent-Child Relationships and Influences 337
Alan Russell
19 Sibling Relations in Early and Middle Childhood 356
Nina Howe, Hildy S. Ross, and Holly Recchia
Part VI Peer Group 373
20 Social Status Among Peers: From Sociometric Attraction to Peer Acceptance to Perceived Popularity 375
Shelley Hymel, Leanna M. Closson, Simona C. S. Caravita, and Tracy Vaillancourt
21 Social Skills and Social Competence in Interactions With Peers 393
Antonius H. N. Cillessen and Amy D. Bellmore
22 Emotions and Social Development in Childhood 413
Susanne Denham, Heather Warren, Maria von Salisch, Oana Benga, Jui-Chih Chin, and Elena Geangu
23 Social Withdrawal and Shyness 434
Kenneth H. Rubin, Robert J. Coplan, Julie C. Bowker, and Melissa Menzer
Part VII Play, Cooperation, Competition, Aggression, and Bullying 453
24 Social Play 455
Thomas G. Power
25 Cooperation and Competition 472
Barry H. Schneider, Joyce Benenson, Marta Fuloep, Mihaly Berkics, and Monika Sandor
26 Aggression in Children 491
Sarah M. Coyne, David A. Nelson, and Marion Underwood
27 Bullying 510
Christina Salmivalli, Katlin Peets, and Ernest V. E. Hodges
Part VIII Cognition, Helping, and Moral Reasoning 529
28 Social Cognition 531
Charlie Lewis and Jeremy Carpendale
29 Prosocial Behavior 549
Joan E. Grusec, Paul Hastings, and Alisa Almas
30 Children's Social and Moral Reasoning 567
Charles C. Helwig and Elliot Turiel
31 Children's Understanding of Society 584
Martyn Barrett and Eithne Buchanan-Barrow
Part IX Intervening in Social Development 603
32 Intervening in Childhood Social Development 605
Mary Ellen Voegler-Lee and Janis B. Kupersmidt
33 The Development of Social Competence in Children With Disabilities 627
Karen E. Diamond, Hsin-Hui Huang, and Elizabeth A. Steed
34 Interventions for Development of Social Skills Among Children in Developing Countries 646
Suman Verma and Rajani Konantambigi
Author Index 663
Subject Index 687
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