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Monographs and research notes in mathematics
CRC Press
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- Finite element methods for eigenvalue problems
Jiguang Sun, Aihui Zhou
CRC Press c2017 Monographs and research notes in mathematics
: hardback
Available at 3 libraries
- Reconstruction from integral data
Victor Palamodov
Chapman & Hall/CRC c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics
Available at 3 libraries
- Introduction to abelian model structures and Gorenstein homological dimensions
Marco A. Pérez
CRC Press c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics
Available at 3 libraries
- Delay differential evolutions subjected to nonlocal initial conditions
Monica-Dana Burlică ... [et al.]
CRC Press c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics
: hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- A concise introduction to geometric numerical integration
Sergio Blanes, Fernando Casas
CRC Press c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics
Available at 7 libraries
- The truth value algebra of type-2 fuzzy sets : order convolution of functions an the unit interval
John Harding, Carol Walker, Elbert Walker
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics , A Chapman & Hall book
: hardback
Available at 3 libraries
- Submanifolds and holonomy
Jürgen Berndt, Sergio Console, Carlos Enrique Olmos
CRC Press c2016 2nd ed Monographs and research notes in mathematics
: hardback
Available at 9 libraries
- Stochastic Cauchy problems in infinite dimensions : generalized and regularized solutions
Irina V. Melnikova
CRC Press c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics
: hbk
Available at 5 libraries
- Diagram genus, generators, and applications
Alexander Stoimenow
CRC Press c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics
: hardback
Available at 7 libraries
- Line integral methods for conservative problems
Luigi Brugnano, Felice Iavernaro
CRC Press c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics
: hardback
Available at 3 libraries
- Complex analysis : conformal inequalities and the Bieberbach conjecture
Prem K. Kythe
CRC Press c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics , A Chapman & Hall book
Available at 6 libraries
- Nonlinear functional analysis in Banach spaces and Banach algebras : fixed point theory under weak topology for nonlinear operators and block operator matrices with applications
Aref Jeribi, Bilel Krichen
CRC Press c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics , A Chapman & Hall book
Available at 6 libraries
- Kemer's theorems
Alexei Kanel-Belov, Yakov Karasik, Louis Halle Rowen
CRC Press c2016 2nd ed Monographs and research notes in mathematics . Computational aspects of polynomial identities ; v. 1 , A Chapman & Hall book
Available at 3 libraries
- Lineability : the search for linearity in mathematics
Richard M. Aron ... [et al.]
CRC Press c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics , A Chapman & Hall book
Available at 2 libraries
- Cremona groups and the icosahedron
Ivan Cheltsov, Constantin Shramov
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group c2016 Monographs and research notes in mathematics , A Chapman & Hall book
: hardback
Available at 14 libraries
- Partial differential equations with variable exponents : variational methods and qualitative analysis
Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu, Dušan D. Repovš
CRC Press c2015 Monographs and research notes in mathematics , A Chapman & Hall book
: hardback
Available at 6 libraries
- Dictionary of inequalities
Peter Bullen
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, c2015 2nd ed Monographs and research notes in mathematics
Available at 13 libraries
- Difference equations : theory, applications and advanced topics
Ronald E. Mickens
CRC Press c2015 3rd ed Monographs and research notes in mathematics
Available at 7 libraries
- Monomial algebras
Rafael H. Villarreal
CRC Press c2015 2nd ed Monographs and research notes in mathematics , A Chapman & Hall book
: hardback
Available at 7 libraries
- Special integrals of Gradshetyn and Ryzhik : the proofs
Victor H. Moll
CRC Press c2015 Monographs and research notes in mathematics
v. 1 : hardback , v. 2 : hardback
Available at 5 libraries