
Pidgins and Creoles beyond Africa-Europe encounters

edited by Isabelle Buchstaller, Anders Holmberg, Mohammad Almoaily

(Creole language library, v. 47)

J. Benjamins, c2014

大学図書館所蔵 2件 / 2




Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Most of what we know about pidgin and creole languages is the result of research into contact languages that developed as a consequence of European expansion into Africa and the Caribbean. The narrow focus on European lexifier and West African substrate languages has resulted in insufficient investigation of other contact varieties. Even more perniciously, lesser known and often under-described contact languages have not been taken into consideration when formulating supposedly general tendencies about the linguistic properties of contact languages. This volume aims to give a platform to research on the history, genesis, and typology of a number of non-European language-based contact languages. A more encompassing and diverse data-base will contribute to more accurate and comprehensive inventories of the typological features of contact languages.


  • 1. Introduction (by Almoaily, Mohammad)
  • 2. Ethnohistory of speaking: Maritime Polynesian Pidgin in a trilogy of historical-sociolinguistic attestations (by Drechsel, Emanuel J.)
  • 3. The 'language of Tobi' as presented in Horace Holden's Narrative: Evidence for restructuring and lexical mixture in a Nuclear Micronesian-based pidgin (by Grant, Anthony P.)
  • 4. Language variation in Gulf Pidgin Arabic (by Almoaily, Mohammad)
  • 5. How non-Indo-European is Fanakalo pidgin?: Selected understudied structures in a Bantu-lexified pidgin with Germanic substrates (by Mesthrie, Rajend)
  • 6. Language change in a multiple contact setting: The case of Sarnami (Suriname) (by Yakpo, Kofi)
  • 7. Pidgin verbs: Infinitives or imperatives? (by Versteegh, Kees)
  • 8. Area index
  • 9. Language index
  • 10. Subject index

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