Curiosity : art and the pleasures of knowing


    • Dillon, Brian
    • Malbert, Roger
    • Norwich Castle Museum
    • Appel (Foundation : Amsterdam, Netherlands)


Curiosity : art and the pleasures of knowing

[exhibition curated by Brian Dillon, with Roger Malbert ... et al.]

Hayward, c2013

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"Published on the occasion of the exhibition: Curiosity : art and the pleasures of knowing, Turner Contemporary, Margate, 23 May-15 September 2013, Norwich Castle Museum, 28 September 2013-5 January 2014, de Appel, Amsterdam, June-August 2014"--Colophon

Exhibition organised by Roger Malbert ... [et al.] for Turner Contemporary, Margate

1 folded leaf pasted on p. [211]



'Curiosity: Art and the Pleasures of Knowing' draws on the work of the eclectic, quarterly magazine Cabinet to explore the notion of intellectual and creative curiosity across periods, genres and fields. Compiled in association with academic, editor and author Brian Dillon, this richly illustrated book explores objects, artworks and narratives drawn from a wide variety of disciplines - scientific, occult, anthropological, aesthetic, technological and sexual - taking as its guide a sensibility that developed in Europe in the early-Modern period and tracing it at work in disparate historical contexts. With an emphasis on contemporary art's return to cross-disciplinary, intellectual and aesthetic freedom, 'Curiosity' comprises works ranging from the films of Tacita Dean to the photographic investigations of Gerard Byrne, and Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, alongside historical 'curiosities', including drawings by Leonardo da Vinci and office equipment from the secret heart of the Cold War. Includes essays by Marina Warner and Brian Dillon, extensive commentary on individual works and an eclectic anthology of writings on 'curiosity'. Artists include Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, Agency, Anna Atkins, Aura Satz, Aurelien Froment, Charles Le Brun, Corinne May Botz, Gerard Byrne, Gunda Forster, J.M.W. Turner, Jeremy Millar, Katie Paterson, Laurent Grasso, Leopold and Rudolph Blaschka, Matt Mullican, Nicolaes Maes, Nina Katchadourian, Pablo Bronstein, Philip Henry Gosse, Richard Wentworth, Robert Hooke, Roger Caillois, Tacita Dean, Thomas Grunfeld, Toril Johannessen.

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