Springer briefs in mathematical physics
- Berestycki, Nathanaël
- Dafermos, Mihalis
- Berestycki, Nathanaël
- Dafermos, Mihalis
Bibliographic Information
Springer briefs in mathematical physics
Springer, c2014-
- Other Title
Springerbriefs in mathematical physics
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Series editors: Nathanaël Berestycki, Mihalis Dafermos, Tohru Eguchi, Atsuo Kuniba, Matilde Marcolli, Bruno Nachtergaele
- Shuffle approach towards quantum affine and toroidal algebras
Alexander Tsymbaliuk
Springer c2023 Springer briefs in mathematical physics 49
Available at 3 libraries
- Macdonald polynomials : commuting family of q-difference operators and their joint eigenfunctions
Masatoshi Noumi
Springer c2023 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 50
: pbk
Available at 10 libraries
- Branes and DAHA representations
Sergei Gukov...[et al.]
Springer c2023 Springer briefs in mathematical physics 48
Available at 3 libraries
- Elliptic extensions in statistical and stochastic systems
Makoto Katori
Springer Nature Singapore c2023 Springer briefs in mathematical physics 47
Available at 3 libraries
- Hochschild cohomology, modular tensor categories, and mapping class groups I
Simon Lentner ... [et al.]
Springer Nature Singapore c2023 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 44
: pbk
Available at 4 libraries
- Infinite-dimensional Dirac operators and supersymmetric quantum fields : an introduction to analysis on boson-fermion Fock spaces
Asao Arai
Springer c2022 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 46
Available at 8 libraries
- String-net construction of RCFT correlators
Jürgen Fuchs, Christoph Schweigert, Yang Yang
Springer c2022 Springer briefs in mathematical physics 45
: pbk
Available at 4 libraries
- Entropy, divergence, and majorization in classical and quantum thermodynamics
Takahiro Sagawa
Springer c2022 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 16
Available at 12 libraries
- Recent progress on the Donaldson-Thomas theory : wall-crossing and refined invariants
Yukinobu Toda
Springer c2021 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v.43
Available at 3 libraries
- Padé methods for painlevé equations
Hidehito Nagao, Yasuhiko Yamada
Springer 2021 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 42
: pbk.
Available at 7 libraries
- Yang-Baxter deformation of 2D non-linear sigma models : towards applications to AdS/CFT
Kentaroh Yoshida
Springer c2021 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 40
: [pbk.]
Available at 3 libraries
- Lectures on factorization homology, ∞-categories, and topological field theories
Hiro Lee Tanaka ; with contributions by Araminta Amabel, Artem Kalmykov, Lukas Müller
Springer c2020 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 39
: [pbk.]
Available at 3 libraries
- Inverse spectral and scattering theory : an introduction
Hiroshi Isozaki
Springer c2020 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 38
Available at 8 libraries
- Elliptic quantum groups : representations and related geometry
Hitoshi Konno
Springer c2020 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 37
Available at 10 libraries
- A statistical mechanical interpretation of algorithmic information theory
Kohtaro Tadaki
Springer c2019 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 36
Available at 3 libraries
- Ground states of quantum field models : perturbation of embedded eigenvalues
Fumio Hiroshima
Springer c2019 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 35
Available at 8 libraries
- Spectral action in noncommutative geometry
Michał Eckstein, Bruno Iochum
Springer c2018 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 27
Available at 2 libraries
- Dynamics of extremal black holes
Stefanos Aretakis
Springer c2018 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 33
Available at 5 libraries
- Entanglement measures and their properties in quantum field theory
Stefan Hollands, Ko Sanders
Springer c2018 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 34
: pbk
Available at 3 libraries
- Erdélyi-Kober fractional calculus : from a statistical perspective, inspired by solar neutrino physics
A.M. Mathai, H.J. Haubold
Springer c2018 Springer briefs in mathematical physics v. 31
: [pbk.]
Available at 2 libraries