Giving students effective written feedback


    • Burke, Deirdre M.
    • Pieterick, Jacqlyn


Giving students effective written feedback

Deirdre Burke and Jackie Pieterick

(Open UP study skills)

McGraw-Hill : Open University Press, 2010

  • : pb

大学図書館所蔵 1件 / 1




Includes bibliographical references (p. [154]-185) and index



This book focuses on one of the key issues in student assessment - delivering student feedback. It considers feedback from both the perspective of tutor provider and student receiver to offer new insights into the impact feedback has on student performance. The text provides an opportunity to explore research and contemporary concerns about the function and impact of written feedback, and offers practical guidance on how to give more appropriate and effective feedback. The text also explores strategies for tutors to use with students to ensure that they make full use of tutor feedback.Giving Students Effective Feedback not only covers assessment theories and literature, but contains a wide range of examples as well as case studies that will be of use to all higher education staff involved in the teaching and support of student learners.


IntroductionPart One: Giving students written feedback Overview of feedback research: a small sample of what's out there 'Response-ability': feedback from a tutor perspective 'Out of Control': issues of control in tutor feedback 'The Bigg's Picture': constructively aligned feedback Part Two: The reception of feedback by students Feedback from a student perspective Get set: Preparing students for written feedback Strategies for students to get more out of feedback Feedback and personal development planning: feeding-forward Case studies

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