The heritage of Arabo-Islamic learning : studies presented to Wadad Kadi
The heritage of Arabo-Islamic learning : studies presented to Wadad Kadi
(Islamic history and civilization, v. 122)
Brill, c2016
- : hardback
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全8件
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes
The Arabo-Islamic heritage of the Islam is among the richest, most diverse, and longest-lasting literary traditions in the world. Born from a culture and religion that valued teaching, Arabo-Islamic learning spread from the seventh century and has had a lasting impact until the present.In The Heritage of Arabo-Islamic Learning leading scholars around the world present twenty-five studies explore diverse areas of Arabo-Islamic heritage in honor of a renowned scholar and teacher, Dr. Wadad A. Kadi (Prof. Emerita, University of Chicago). The volume includes contributions in three main areas: History, Institutions, and the Use of Documentary Sources; Religion, Law, and Islamic Thought; Language, Literature, and Heritage which reflect Prof. Kadi's contributions to the field.
Contributors:Sean W. Anthony; Ramzi Baalbaki; Jonathan A.C. Brown; Fred M. Donner; Mohammad Fadel; Kenneth Garden; Sebastian Gunther; Li Guo; Heinz Halm; Paul L. Heck; Nadia Jami; Jeremy Johns; Maher Jarrar; Marion Holmes Katz; Scott C. Lucas; Angelika Neuwirth; Bilal Orfali; Wen-chin Ouyang; Judith Pfeiffer; Maurice A. Pomerantz; Ridwan al-Sayyid ; Aram A. Shahin; Jens Scheiner; John O. Voll; Stefan Wild.
The Heritage of Arabo-Islamic Learning.............................................................................
Prof. Wadad Kadi: A Life of Learning and Teaching....................................................
Bibliography Wadad Kadi (Wadad al-Qadi)...................................................................
Works Dedicated to Wadad Kadi......................................................................................
The Meccan Prison of 'Abdallah b. al-Zubayr and the Imprisonment of Muhammad b. al-Hanafiyya..........................................................................................3
Sean W. Anthony
Fragments of Three Umayyad Official Documents ..................................................30
Fred M. Donner
Single Isnads or Riwayas? Quoted Books in Ibn 'Asakir's Tarjama of Tamim
Jens Scheiner
Friendship in the Service of Governance: Makarim al-Akhlaq in Abbasid
Political Culture ...............................................................................................................81
Paul L. Heck
Prinzen, Prinzessinnen, Konkubinen und Eunuchen am fatimidischen Hof.......101
Heinz Halm
A New Latin-Arabic Document from Norman Sicily (November 595 H/1198 CE)..123
Nadia Jamil and Jeremy Johns
The Rhetorical Qur'an or Orality as a Theologumenon.............................................189
Angelika Neuwirth
The "Shearing of Forelocks" as a Penitential Rite.........................................................212
Marion Holmes Katz
Authority in Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani's Kitab al-nawadir wa-l-ziyadat
'ala ma fi l-Mudawwana min ghayriha min al-ummahat:
The Case of "The Chapter of Judgments" (Kitab al-aqdiya).........................................228
Mohammad Fadel
A Segment of the Genealogy of Sunni Hadith Criticism: The Mysterious
Relationship between al-Khatib al-Baghdadi and al-Hakim al-Naysaburi............249
Jonathan Brown
Al-Hakim al-Naysaburi and the Companions of the Prophet: An Original
Sunni Voice in the Shi'i Century....................................................................................258
Scott C. Lucas
Ibn Rushd and Thomas Aquinas on Education...........................................................272
Sebastian Gunther
Teaching the Learned: Jalal al-Din al-Dawani's Ijaza to Mu'ayyadzada
'Abd al-Rahman Efendi and the Circulation of Knowledge between Fars
and the Ottoman Empire at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century..............................306
Judith Pfeiffer
Scholars in Networks: 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi and His Travels............................360
John O. Voll
Rhetorics of Revival: al-Ghazali and His Modern Heirs...............................................381
Kenneth Garden
Grammarians on the Af'al al-Muqaraba: Steps in the Sources towards a Subdivision of Operants...............................................................................................................................405
Ramzi Baalbaki
Reflections on the Lives and Deaths of Two Umayyad Poets:
Layla al-Akhyaliyya and Tawba b. al-Humayyir..........................................................432
Aram A. Shahin
Literature and Thought: Re-reading al-Tawhidi's Transcription of the Debate
between Logic and Grammar..............................................................................................473
Wen-chin Ouyang
The Play of Genre: A Maqama of "Ease after Hardship" from the Eighth/Fourteenth
Century and Its Literary Context........................................................................................492
Maurice A. Pomerantz
What's in a Mamluk Picture? The Hall of Portraiture at the Cairo
Citadel Remembered.............................................................................................................518
Li Guo
In Defense of the Use of Qur'an in Adab:
Ibn Abi l-Lutf's Raf' al-iltibas 'an munkir al-iqtibas...............................................................535
Bilal Orfali
Modes of Existence of the Poetry in the Arabian Nights............................................564
Wolfhart Heinrichs
Modern Arabic Literature and Islam...............................................................................576
Stefan Wild
Abraham and the Sacrificial Son: Transtextual Strategies in Jose Saramago's
The Gospel according to Jesus Christ and Elias Khoury's As though She Were Sleeping......................................................................................................................593
Maher Jarrar
The Ideological and Epistemological: Contemporary Readings in Arabo-Islamic Classical Heritage (Turath)..................................................................................................................640
Ridwan al-Sayyid (Translated by Eman Morsi)
Index of Arabic Terms
Index of Proper Nouns
Notes on the Contributors
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