Sociolingüística y pragmática del español


    • Silva-Corvalán, Carmen
    • Enrique-Arias, Andrés


Sociolingüística y pragmática del español

Carmen Silva-Corvalán, Andrés Enrique-Arias

(Georgetown studies in Spanish linguistics series)

Georgetown University Press, 2017

2a ed.

  • : hc
  • : pb

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



: hc ISBN 9781626163942


This thoroughly updated second edition provides a clear and comprehensive overview of sociolinguistics and the pragmatics of oral communication in Spanish. While maintaining the same structure as the first edition, it includes revised "Ejercicios de reflexion" and new comprehension checks at the end of each chapter, along with numerous bibliographic references throughout, enhancing its use as a classroom text. Among the significant revisions are new sections on corpus linguistics and on statistical modeling programs for studying linguistic variables, an expanded chapter on the study of linguistic attitudes with special attention to Spanish in the United States, greater attention to the relation of pragmatics to sociolinguistics, including coverage of verbal politeness and forms of address, and updated information on Spanglish and on the teaching of Spanish as a heritage language.


Prefacio, primera edicionPrefacio, segunda edicion Capitulo 1: Lengua, variacion y dialectos Capitulo 2: Metodologia Capitulo 3: El estudio de actitudes linguisticas Capitulo 4: Teoria de la variacion y sociofonologia Capitulo 5: Variacion sintactica y morfosintactica Capitulo 6: Pragmatica del discurso oral Capitulo 7: Variacion y cambio Capitulo 8: Lenguas en contacto y bilinguismo ApendiceReferenciasIndice de materias

: pb ISBN 9781626163959


This thoroughly updated second edition provides a clear and comprehensiveoverview of sociolinguistics and the pragmatics of oral communication in Spanish. While maintaining the same structure as the first edition, it includes revised "Ejercicios de Reflexion" along with new comprehension checks at the end of each chapter, enhancing its use as a classroom text. Among the significant revisions are more attention to the relation of pragmatics to sociolinguistics, a new section on applied sociolinguistics and the teaching of Spanish as a heritage language, updated information on statistical modeling programs for studying linguistic variables, expanded coverage of the overt versus null pronominal subject variable, a new emphasis on pragmatics in chapter 5, and a new section on Spanglish.


Prefacio, primera edicionPrefacio, segunda edicion Capitulo 1: Lengua, variacion y dialectos Capitulo 2: Metodologia Capitulo 3: El estudio de actitudes linguisticas Capitulo 4: Teoria de la variacion y sociofonologia Capitulo 5: Variacion sintactica y morfosintactica Capitulo 6: Pragmatica del discurso oral Capitulo 7: Variacion y cambio Capitulo 8: Lenguas en contacto y bilinguismo ApendiceReferenciasIndice de materias

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