著者名	書名	版表示	出版者名	出版年	シリーズ名	番号	ISBN	ISSN	URL
Bach, Johann Sebastian and Barchet, Reinhold and Fernandez, Huguette and Redel, Kurt and Larrieu, Maxence and Rampal, Jean Pierre and André, Maurice and Veyron-Lacroix, Robert and Alain, Marie Claire and Kammer-Orchester Pro Arte (Munich, Germany) and Orchestre de chambre Jean-François Paillard and Redel, Kurt and Paillard, Jean François	Musique de J.S. Bach		Erato,Nippon Columbia [distributor]	1972	Collection Erato Gemini	1			https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BB24082452