
Far East, Down South : Asians in the American South

edited by Raymond A. Mohl, John E. Van Sant, and Chizuru Saeki

(The modern South)

University of Alabama Press, c2016

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index


  • Introduction / David M. Reimers
  • The astonishing history of Japanese Americans in Louisiana / Greg Robinson
  • Views of Japanese in Alabama, 1941-1953 / Chizuru Saeki
  • Collective aspirations of Japanese Americans in and beyond the WWII South / John Howard
  • Asian immigration to Florida / Raymond A. Mohl
  • Chinese in Florida: history, struggles, and contributions to the Sunshine State / Wenxian Zhang
  • "Chinese for the South": Mississippi delta Chinese migration chains / John Jung
  • Second-generation Chinese Americans from Atlanta, Augusta, and Savannah Georgia: overcoming "otherness" / Daniel Bronstein
  • Immigrant dreams and second-generation realities: Indian Americans negotiating marriage, culture, and identity in North Carolina / Vincent H. Melomo
  • Resilient history and the rebuilding of a community: the Vietnamese American community in New Orleans East / Karen J. Leong, Christopher A. Airriess, Wei Li, Angela Chia-Chen Chen, and Verna M. Keith

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