澳门及大西洋岛屿画册 (外三种)
澳门及大西洋岛屿画册 (外三种)
(海上丝路丛刊, . 粤港澳卷||エツコウオウ カン||yue gang ao juan)
广东人民出版社, 2018.1
- タイトル別名
澳门及大西洋岛屿画册 : 外三种
aomen ji daxiyang daoyu huace (wai san zhong)
- タイトル読み
マカオ キュウ タイセイヨウ トウショ ガサツ (ガイ サンシュ)
ao men ji da xi yang dao yu hua ce (wai san zhong)
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
表紙・標題紙・背に「文化公所 (Hall de Cultura)」のロゴあり
- 澳门及大西洋岛屿画册
- 广州、珠江及附近乡村全景画 = Description of a view Canton, The River Tigress and the surrounding country, now exhibiting at the panorama, Leicester Square / painted by the prorietor, Robert Burford
- 香港岛及其海湾全景画 = Description of a view of the island and bay of Hong Kong, now exhibiting at the panorama, Leicester Square / painted by the proprietor, Robert Burford ; the figures by H.C. Selous ; from drawings, taken by Lieut. F.J. White
- 中国澳门全景画 = Description of a view of Macao in China, now exhibiting at the panorama, Leicester Square / painted by the prorietor, Robert Burford