Victims of the book : reading and masculinity in fin-de-siècle France


Victims of the book : reading and masculinity in fin-de-siècle France

François Proulx

(University of Toronto romance series)

University of Toronto Press, c2019

  • : hardcover

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references (p. [357]-375) and index



Victims of the Book uncovers a long-neglected but once widespread subgenre: the fin-de-siècle novel of formation in France. In the final decades of the nineteenth century, social commentators insistently characterized excessive reading as an emasculating illness that afflicted French youth. Novels about and geared toward adolescent male readers were imbued with a deep worry over young Frenchmen’s masculinity, as evidenced by titles like Crise de jeunesse (Youth in Crisis, 1897), La Crise virile (Crisis of Virility, 1898), La Vie stérile (A Sterile Life, 1892), and La Mortelle Impuissance (Deadly Impotence, 1903). In this book, François Proulx examines a wide panorama of these novels, as well as polemical essays, pedagogical articles, and medical treatises on the perceived threats posed by young Frenchmen’s reading habits. Fin-de-siècle writers responded to this pathologization of reading with a profusion of novels addressed to young male readers, paradoxically proposing their own novels as potential cures. In the early twentieth century, this corpus was critically revisited by a new generation of writers. Victims of the Book shows how André Gide and Marcel Proust in particular reworked the fin-de-siècle paradox to subvert cultural norms about literature and masculinity, proposing instead a queer pact between writer and reader.


List of Illustrations  Note on Translations and Previously Published Material  Acknowledgments  Introduction: Reading Anxieties   Part I: Youth in Crisis  1. Contagions and Cures  2. Representing the Fin-de-Siècle Reader: Exhaustion, Deviation, Impotence Part II: The Three Dangers of Literature  3. Vallès, the Déclassé, and the Pitfalls of Education  4. Bourget, the Chambige Affair, and the Queer Seductions of the Novel  5. Barrès and the Ghosts of Balzacian Ambition  Part III: Forming the Reader  6. Martin du Gard, Tinan, and the Uses of Irony  7. Gide and the Novel as Formation  8. Proust and the Fantasy of Readerly Recognition  Epilogue: The Afterlives of Bad Masters  Notes Bibliography  Index

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