The contest for rule in eighteenth-century Iran


The contest for rule in eighteenth-century Iran

edited by Charles Melville

(The idea of Iran, v. 11)

I.B. Tauris, 2022

  • : PB

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume explores the troubled eighteenth century in Iran, between the collapse of the Safavids and the establishment of the new Qajar dynasty in the early decades of the nineteenth century. Despite the striking military successes of Nader Shah, to defeat the Afghan invaders, drive back the Ottomans in the west, and launch campaigns into India and Central Asia, Iran steadily lost territory in the Caucasus and the east, where Persian arms failed to recover lands lost to the Afghans and the Ozbeks. The chapters of this book cover the continuity and change over this transitional period from a range of perspectives including political history, historiography, art and material culture. They illuminate the changes in Iran’s internal conditions, including the legitimising legacy of the Safavid period in court chronicles, the rise of Nader Shah and his influence on the idea of Iran, as well as the art of successive dynasties competing for power and prestige. The volume also addresses Iran’s changed international situation by examining relations with Russia, Britain and India, the result of which would contribute to its re-emergence with a curtailed presence in the new world order of European dominance.


Introduction, Charles Melville, University of Cambridge, UK Nader Shah’s Idea of Iran, Ernest Tucker, United States Naval Academy, US Dismembering the Corporate: The Single Portraits of Nader Shah and the Changing Body Politic in Post-Safavid Iran, Janet O’Brien, Courtauld Institute of Art, UK ‘The Persian State’ and the Safavid Inheritance: Views from the Caspian, 1722–1781, Kevin Gledhill, Yale University, US Safavid Nostalgia in Early Qajar Chronicles, Assef Ashraf, University of Cambridge, UK From Chehel-Sotun to Golestan Palace: The Evolution of Royal Wall Painting during the Reign of Fath-‘Ali Shah, Kianoosh Motaghedi, Independent Russian–Persian Gift Exchange in the early Qajar Period, Firuza Abdullaeva, University of Cambridge, UK Proto-Nationalism in Early Modern Iran and Afghanistan, Sajjad Nejatie, University of Toronto, Canada Fraying at the Edges: Iran and the Khanates of Central Asia, Fatema Soudavar, Independent Sir William Jones and the Migration of the Idea of Iran to India, John Perry, University of Chicago, US

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