In this volume, Pieter van der Lugt offers a comprehensive analysis of the rhetorical structure of Isaiah. As in his previous studies on the Book of Job and the Psalter the author demonstrates that classical Hebrew poetry displays a well-defined structure consisting of balanced main parts (cantos) and subdivision into strophes. This rhetorical starting point is of crucial importance for the delimitation of the individual poems in Isaiah 40-48 and in many cases determines their interpretation. Subsequently, it is demonstrated that the successive compositions form well-defined and coherent cycles of poems.
I Looking Back and Forward
1 Delimitation of Poems in Isaiah 40-55: Various Methods, Coinciding Objectives
2 Methodology
II Prologue: Isaiah 40,1-11
1 Isaiah 40,1-8
2 Isaiah 40,9-11
III The First Cycle: Isaiah 40,12-41,29
1 Isaiah 40,12-26
2 Isaiah 40,27-31
3 Isaiah 41,1-7
4 Isaiah 41,8-16
5 Isaiah 41,17-20
6 Isaiah 41,21-29
IV The Second Cycle: Isaiah 42,1-44,5
1 Isaiah 42,1-12
2 Isaiah 42,13-17
3 Isaiah 42,18-25
4 Isaiah 43,1-8
5 Isaiah 43,9-15
6 Isaiah 43,16-21
7 Isaiah 43,22-28
8 Isaiah 44,1-5
V The Third Cycle: Isaiah 44,6-45,25
1 Isaiah 44,6-8
2 Isaiah 44,9-20
3 Isaiah 44,21-23
4 Isaiah 44,24-45,8
5 Isaiah 45,9-13
6 Isaiah 45,14-25
VI The Fourth Cycle: Isaiah 46-48
1 Isaiah 46,3-13
2 Isaiah 47
3 Isaiah 48,1-19
4 Isaiah 46,1-2 and 48,20-21
VII Systematic Observations or an Introduction to the Design of Biblical Hebrew Poetry
1 Canto Design of Isaiah 40-55 in Terms of Poetic Lines
2 Word Repetitions at Strategic Positions
3 Tricola and the Structure of Poems
4 Transition Markers
5 Numerical Perfection and Meaning
6 Abrupt Switches at the End of a Poem
VIII The Rhetorical Design of Isaiah 40-55 in Terms of Cycles of Poems
1 Previous Research
2 Prologue: Isaiah 40,1-11
3 Cycle I (40,12-41,29): Unmasking the Gods
4 Cycle II (42,1-44,5): There is a Way Home
5 Cycle III (44,6-45,25): Cyrus is the Agent
6 Cycle IV (Isaiah 46-48): Babylon's Ruin
7 Cycle V (49,1-50,3): The Return to Zion
8 Cycle VI (50,4-52,12): Summons to Awake
9 Cycle VII: Trust in God (52,13-55,13)
10 Overall Design Isaiah 40-55
11 Special Bibliography
Appendix I: Poetic Design of Cycles V-VII and Isaiah 35: A Provisional Survey
Appendix II: Shared Significant Vocabulary: An Outline
General bibliography
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