Religion in contemporary European cinema : the postsecular constellation


Religion in contemporary European cinema : the postsecular constellation

edited by Costica Bradatan and Camil Ungureanu

(Routledge studies in religion and film, 3)

Routledge, 2017

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



The religious landscape in Europe is changing dramatically. While the authority of institutional religion has weakened, a growing number of people now desire individualized religious and spiritual experiences, finding the self-complacency of secularism unfulfilling. The "crisis of religion" is itself a form of religious life. A sense of complex, subterraneous interaction between religious, heterodox, secular and atheistic experiences has thus emerged, which makes the phenomenon all the more fascinating to study, and this is what Religion in Contemporary European Cinema does. The book explores the mutual influences, structural analogies, shared dilemmas, as well as the historical roots of such a "post-secular constellation" as seen through the lens of European cinema. Bringing together scholars from film theory and political science, ethics and philosophy of religion, philosophy of film and theology, this volume casts new light on the relationship between the religious and secular experience after the death of the death of God.


Introduction: Dealing (Visibly) in "Things not Seen" Costica Bradatan 1. Deconstructing Christianity in Contemporary European Cinema: Nanni Moretti's Habemus Papam and Jean-Luc Nancy's Dis-enclosure Catherine Wheatley 2. 'Casting Fire onto the Earth': The Holy Fool in Russian Cinema Alina Birzache 3. The New Aesthetics of Muslim Spirituality in Turkey: Yusuf's Trilogy By Semih Kaplanoglu Asuman Suner 4. Pasolini: Religion and Sacrifice Geoffrey Nowell-Smith 5. Entangled in God's Story. A Reading of Krzysztof Kieslowski's Blind Chance Costica Bradatan 6. The Evidence of Things Not Seen: Sound and the Neighbour in Kieslowski, Haneke, Martel Paul Coates 7. Bruno Dumont's Cinema: Nihilism and the Disintegration of the Christian Imaginary John Caruana 8. Religion against Religion in Lars von Trier Camil Ungureanu 9. The Banalities of Evil: Polanski, Kubrick, and the Reinvention of Horror Nathan Abrams 10. Postsecular Ethics: The Case of Inarritu's Biutiful Robert Sinnerbrink 11. Understanding Religion and Film in 'Post-secular' Russia Jolyon Mitchell Final Remarks: What is the Use of Postsecularism? Conceptual Clarifications and Two Illustrations Camil Ungureanu

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