Recycling technologies for secondary Zn-Pb resources


    • Kaya, Muammer


Recycling technologies for secondary Zn-Pb resources

Muammer Kaya, editors

(The minerals, metals & materials series)

Springer, c2023

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book is a reflection of all aspects of secondary Zn and Pb processing, including the global business trends of the metals, plant operations, fundamental developments, emerging technologies, and environmental considerations. It stands as a ready reference for the processing, engineering, and research communities concerned with the latest developments in the hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical processing of secondary Zn-Pb resources.


Overview of secondary Zn and Pb resources and production in the World..- Assessment of metal-bearing by-products from secondary Zn and Pb resources (secondaries versus concentrates).- Principles and fundamental concepts for secondary Zn and Pb recycling.- Recycling of secondary Zn and Pb poly-metallic residues from mining and metal industry-current status and future development..- Mine and mineral processing tailings recycling technologies.- EAF dust recycling technologies.- Galvanizing by-products recycling technologies.- Brass by-products recycling technologies.- Hydrometallurgical residue (Waelz oxide) recycling technologies.- Dust from Cu recycling.- Battery recycling technologies.- An industrial overlook for Zn and Pb refining developments.- Zinc and lead current challenges and opportunities.- Secondary zinc and lead future outlook evaluation (production & consumption, supply & demand trends, market dynamics & forecasts, industrial analysis, leading producers, usage, new application areas, toxicology, health etc.).- A focus on latest trends for sustainable development.

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