The Routledge handbook of discourse analysis
The Routledge handbook of discourse analysis
(Routledge handbooks)(Routledge handbooks in applied linguistics)
Routledge, 2023
2nd ed
- : hbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全15件
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First ed., published in 2013
Includes bibliographical references and index
This is the most up-to-date and comprehensive handbook of discourse analysis available.
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the handbook, it is suitable for a wide range of courses such as English Language and Literature and Applied Linguistics.
Unlike competing titles, the handbook consists of especially commissioned chapters written by a range of contributors from around the world.
James Paul Gee and Michael Handford
I Approaches to Discourse Analysis
Critical Discourse Analysis
Norman Fairclough
Evaluation and Discourse Analysis
Theo van Leeuwen and Joshua Han
A Culturalist Approach to Discourse
Discursive Psychology and Discourse Analysis
Bogdana Huma and Jonathan Potter
Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis
Steve E. Clayman and Virginia Teas Gill
Interactional Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis
Jurgen Jaspers
Discourse-Oriented Ethnography
Graham Smart
Discourse Analysis and Linguistic Anthropology
Justin B. Richland
Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis
Lynne Flowerdew
Multimodal Discourse Analysis
Gunther Kress, with an addendum by Jezz Bezemer
Systemic Functional Linguistics: Exploring Meaning in Language
Mary J. Schleppegrell and Teresa Oteiza
Metaphor and Discourse: A View from Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory
Zoltan Kovecses
II Gender, Race and Sexualities
Gender and Discourse Analysis
Jennifer Coates and Pia Pichler
Queer Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
William L. Leap
Intersectionality and Discourse Analysis
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, Autumn A. Griffin, and Stephanie R. Toliver
Discourse, Gender and Professional Communication
Louise Mullany and Victoria Howard
(Anti)Racism and Discourse
Teun A. van Dijk
III Narrativity and Discourse
Narrative Analysis
Joanna Thornborrow
Literary Discourse
Peter K. W. Tan
Narrative, Cognition and Rationality
David R. Olson
IV Genre and Register
Register and Discourse Analysis
Douglas Biber
Genre, Register and Discourse in Systemic Functional Linguistics
David Rose
Genre as Social Action
Charles Bazerman
Critical Genre Analysis of Professional Discourse
Vijay K. Bhatia
V Spoken Discourse
Prosody in Discourse
Winnie Cheng and Phoenix Lam
Lexis in Spoken Discourse
Michael McCarthy and Paula Buttery
Emergent Grammar
Paul J. Hopper
VI Social Media and Online Discourse
Social Media and Discourse Analysis
Rodney H. Jones
(Small) Stories Online: The Intersection of Affordances and Practices
Alexandra Georgakopoulou
Online Identity and Discourse Analysis
Camilla Vasquez and Dacota Liska
VII Educational Applications
Discourse and 'the New Literacy Studies'
James Paul Gee
Ethnography and Classroom Discourse
Amy Bik-May Tsui
Education and Bilingualism
Karen Thompson, Soria Colomer and Kenji Hakuta
English for academic purposes and discourse analysis
Ken Hyland
VIII Institutional Applications
Discourse(s) and Advertising
Elsa Simoes
Discourse and News Media
Mats Ekstroem
Discourse and Health(care)
Gavin Brookes, Kevin Harvey and Svenja Adolphs
Discourses in the language of the law
Edward Finegan
Ethnicity and Humour in the Workplace
Julia deBres and Janet Holmes
Politics as Usual: Investigating Political Discourse in Action
Ruth Wodak
Critical Policy Discourse Analysis
Nicolina Montesano Montessori
Intercultural Discourse: Identity Perspectives on Business Interaction
Stefanie Stadler, Hale Isik-Guler and Helen Spencer-Oatey
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