The politics of budgets : getting a piece of the pie


The politics of budgets : getting a piece of the pie

Christine S. Lipsmeyer, Andrew Q. Philips & Guy D. Whitten

Cambridge University Press, 2023

大学図書館所蔵 3件 / 3




Includes bibliographical references (p.257-276) and index



While governments prefer to alter budgets to fit their ideological stances, the domestic and international contexts can facilitate or constrain behavior. The Politics of Budgets demonstrates when governments do and do not make preferred budgetary changes. It argues for an interconnected view of budgets and explores both the reallocation of expenditures across policy areas and the interplay among budgetary components. While previous scholars have investigated how politics and economics shape a single budgetary category, or collective categories, this methodologically rich study analyzes data for thirty-three countries across thirty-five years to provide a more comprehensive theoretical approach: a 'holistic' framework about the competition and contexts around the budgetary process and an of examination of how and when these factors affect the budgetary decision-making processes.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. A Theory of Budgets
  • 3. Political Competition and the Expenditure Pie
  • 4. The Effects of Elections, Economics and International Shocks on the Expenditure Pie
  • 5. Four Sides of the Budgetary Ledger
  • 6. The Effects of Elections, Economics and External Shocks on the Budgetary Ledger
  • 7. Conclusion: The Budgetary Mix.

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