J.B.フィッシャー・フォン・エルラッハの空間構成の研究 : 「庭園ハウス案」における集中式モチーフの平面構成分析


  • THE RESEARCH OF J. B. FISCHER VON ERLACH'S SPACE COMPOSITION : Plane composition analysis of the concentric plane motif in the "garden pavilions"
  • J B フィッシャー フォン エルラッハ ノ クウカン コウセイ ノ ケンキュウ テイエン ハウスアン ニ オケル シュウチュウシキ モチーフ ノ ヘイメン コウセイ ブンセキ



Follwing aspects are demonstrated through this analysis: 1) Concentrated on the oval form, trianguler, quadrangle and octagonal constructions appear in the eight pieces of garden pavilions. 2) There is an attempt in the facade to show internal spaces into outside in most constructions. 3) According to the first plan in the triangular construction, Fischer arranges regular squres in three directions in circular circumferences and disposes three oblong ovals between these squares. He replaces one of the squares with rectangle in the next progresss. 4) Oblong ovals are positioned in the center in the following third plan, and regular hexagons are added between these ovals. 5) He moves these ovals to outward in the fouth plan. Instead he creates unequal-sided hexagon space in the center and arranges concave forms and regular hexagons in the circumference one after the other. 6) There are two examples of the oblong oval construction. Fischer changes an oblong oval of the first plan into a lengthwise oval in the fifth plan. In the same plan, he also changes the position of regular squares between those ovals to 45 degrees angle and replaces aqures with unequal-sided hexagons in the sixth plan. 7) The quadrangle construction is based on four oblong ovals, which are situated along axis one after the other. 8) The eighth plan belongs to the octagonal construction. The partition of inner spaces consistes of four unequl-sided hexagons.


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