伊豆七島におけるつつが虫病 (七島熱) の研究


  • Shichito fever in Izu Shichito Islands
  • 伊豆七島におけるつつが虫病(七島熱)の研究-4-住民における抗つつが虫病リケッチア抗体の保有率
  • イズ シチトウ ニ オケル ツツガムシビョウ シチトウ ネツ ノ ケンキュウ
  • 4. Incidence of and-<I>R. tsutsugamushi</I> antibody among inhabitant's sera
  • 第四報住民における抗つつが虫病リケッチア抗体の保有率



During the endemic of Shichito fever, an avirulent R. tsutsugamushi (Rt) (Miyake strain) was isolated from a field rat. This isolate could grow only in nude mice. On the other hand, rate of seropositive field rodents was increased rapidly from 0% to 83.3% in the last 2 years. These results suggested that recent endemic of Shichito fever was caused by the avirulent strain of Rt. To confirm possibility, seropositive rate in inhabitants of Miyake and Toshima Islands was surveyed by indirect immunofluorescence. When assayed upon the sera obtained during May to October 1978, seropositive rate of people in Miyake Island was 26.1%(42/162), while that in Toshima Island was 23.5%(23/98). There was no sexual difference and antibody titers of inhabitants were lower than those of Shichito fever patients. All control groups including 40 normal healthy men, 43 infectious mononucleosis like disease patients and 58 malignancy patients were seronegative. Seropositive men in Miyake Island were inquired individually. They did not have any clinical signs and prehistory of Shichito fever in the last 2 years. These fact might indicate that about 1/4 of the population in Miyake and Toshima Islands was inapparently infected with avirulent strain of Rt and recent endemic of Shichito fever might be caused by the avirulent Rt.


  • 感染症学雑誌

    感染症学雑誌 54 (6), 284-290, 1980

    一般社団法人 日本感染症学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

