Iamblichus, ca.ca. 330


Alias Name

Jamblichus, of Chalcis

Iamblichos, ca.ca. 330

Jamblichus, of Chalcis, ca.ca. 330

Jamblique, de Chalcis, ca.ca. 330

Giamblico, ca.ca. 330




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Search Results1-20 of 67

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  • On the general science of mathematics

    Iamblichus ; translated by John Dillon and J.O. Urmson ; introductory essays by Sebastian Gertz and Richard Sorabji

    Bloomsbury Academic 2020 Ancient commentators on Aristotle

    : hb

    Available at 8 libraries

  • Réponse à Porphyre (De mysteriis)

    Jamblique ; texte établi, traduit et annoté par Henri Dominique Saffrey et Alain-Philippe Segonds ; avec la collaboration de Adrien Lecerf

    Les Belles lettres 2013 Collection des universités de France Sér. grecque ; 496

    Available at 16 libraries

  • On the Pythagorean life

    Iamblichus ; translated with notes and introduction by Gillian Clark

    Liverpool University Press 2011 Translated texts for historians v. 8

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Vie de Pythagore

    Jamblique ; introduction, traduction et notes par Luc Brisson et Alain Philippe Segonds

    Les Belles Lettres 2011 2è tirage rev. et corrigé La roue à livres 29

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Exhortation à la philosophie : le dossier grec, Aristote

    introduction, traduction et commentaire par Sophie Van der Meeren

    Belles lettres 2011 Fragments 11

    Available at 3 libraries

  • ピタゴラス的生き方

    イアンブリコス [著] ; 水地宗明訳

    京都大学学術出版会 2011.6 西洋古典叢書

    Available at 240 libraries

  • アリストテレス「哲学のすすめ」


    講談社 2011.3 講談社学術文庫 [2039]

    Available at 188 libraries

  • I frammenti delle epistole

    Giamblico ; introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento a cura di Daniela Patrizia Taormina e Rosa Maria Piccione ; index verborum a cura di Paolo Cipolla

    Bibliopolis c2010 Elenchos 56

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Les mystères d'Egypte : réponse d'Abamon à la Lettre de Porphyre à Anébon

    Jamblique ; traduction nouvelle et commentaire de Michèle Broze et Carine Van Liefferinge

    Ousia c2009 Mythes et religions / directeur, Baudouin Decharneux

    : [pbk.]

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Iamblichus of Chalcis : the letters

    edited with a translation and commentary by John M. Dillon and Wolfgang Polleichtner

    Society of Biblical Literature c2009 Writings from the Greco-Roman world / John T. Fitzgerald, general editor no. 19

    : pbk

    Available at 1 libraries

  • De mysteriis

    Iamblichus ; translated with an introduction and notes by Emma C. Clarke, John M. Dillon, and Jackson P. Hershbell

    Brill 2004, c2003 Writings from the Greco-Roman world / John T. Fitzgerald, general editor no. 4

    Available at 8 libraries

  • De mysteriis

    Iamblichus ; translated with an introduction and notes by Emma C. Clarke, John M. Dillon, and Jackson P. Hershbell

    Society of Biblical Literature c2003 Writings from the Greco-Roman world / John T. Fitzgerald, general editor v. 4

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Pythagoras : Legende, Lehre, Lebensgestaltung = Περι του Πυθαγορειου βιου

    Jamblich ; eingeleitet, übersetzt und mit interpretierenden Essays versehen von Michael von Albrecht ... [et al.]

    Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft c2002 SAPERE : scripta antiquitatis posterioris ad ethicam religionemque pertinentia Bd. 4 , Texte zur Forschung

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Iamblichus De anima

    text, translation, and commentary by John F. Finamore and John M. Dillon

    Brill 2002 Philosophia antiqua v. 92

    Available at 14 libraries

  • ピュタゴラス伝

    イアンブリコス [著] ; 佐藤義尚訳

    国文社 2000.1 叢書アレクサンドリア図書館 4

    Available at 127 libraries

  • Iamblichus : his life & writings

    Alexander Wilder ; together with Of sacrifice and prayers / Iamblichus the Neo-Platonist ; translated from the Greek by Alexander Wilder & R. Christopher Abel

    Holmes Pub. Group c1999

  • On the mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians ; and, Life of Pythagoras : to which have been added ethical and political fragments of ancient Pythagorean writers

    Iamblichus ; translated by Thomas Taylor

    Prometheus Trust 1999 The Thomas Taylor series v. 17

    Available at 1 libraries

  • The neoplatonists : a reader

    John Gregory

    Routledge 1999 2nd ed

    : pbk

    Available at 7 libraries

  • Vie de Pythagore

    Jamblique ; introduction, traduction et notes par Luc Brisson et A. Ph. Segonds

    Les Belles Lettres 1996 La roue à livres 29

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Iamblichi Protrepticus : ad fidem codicis Florentini

    edidit Hermenegildus Pistelli

    In aedibus B.G. Teubneri c1996 Editio stereotypa editionis 1. (1888) Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana

    Available at 11 libraries

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