Degas, Hilaire Germain Edgar
Dega, Ėdgar
ドガ, エドガー(ドガ, エドガー)
par Paul-André Lemoisne
Plon c1954
biographical and critical studies by François Fosca ; Translated by James Emmons
Skira c1954 The taste of our time 5
Étude biographique et critique par François Fosca
Skira [c1954] Le goût de notre temps 5
introduction et notes de R.H. Willenski ; adaptation française de Georges Tourat
F. Nathan [1953] Les maîtres de la couleur
by Robert Rey ; translated by Lucy Norton
William Heinemann c1953 Ars mundi serie
par Jean Leymarie
F. Hazan 1953 Bibliothèque aldine des arts 1e v.
text by Daniel Catton Rich
H.N. Abrams c1952 The library of great painters
H.N. Abrams c1952 An Abrams art book
ドガ画 ; 宮本三郎編
弘文堂 1952.2 アテネびじゅつぶんこ 6
H.N. Abrams c1951 The library of great painters
John Rewald
Braun [c1950] Collection des maîtres
texte de Denis Rouart
Quatre Chemins , Shoman Art [1948]
by Henri Dumont
Hyperion , Distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Crown c1948 Hyperion miniatures series . Masters in art
edited by Marcel Guerin ; [translated from the French by Marguerite Kay]
Bruno Cassirer 1947
Edgar Germain Hilaire Degas ; edited by Marcel Guerin ; [translated from the French by Marguerite Kay]
B. Cassirer 1947
by Camille Mauclair ; adapted by Lillian Day
Hyperion press, distributed by Duell, Sloan and Pearce [1945]
Degas ; recueillies et annotées par Marcel Guérin ; préface de Daniel Halévy
B. Grasset c1945 Les cahiers rouges 242
: pbk
par Marguerite Rebatet
P. Tisné [1944] Bibliothèque Française des arts
edited by Monroe Wheeler
The Museum of Modern Art c1944
Hans Graber
Benno Schwabe 1942 2. erw. aufl