Kitcat, Dick
Doyle, Dicky
ドイル, リチャード(ドイル, リチャード)
edited with an introduction and afterword by Grant F. Scott
Ohio University Press c2016 Series in Victorian studies / Joseph Mclaughlin, series editor
: hardback
アンドリュー・ラング作 ; リチャード・ドイル絵 ; 安岡みゆき訳
レベル , ビレッジプレス (発売) 2010.11
with 61 full-color illustrations by Richard Doyle ; text by Andrew Lang
Dover Publications c2000
: pbk
retold and illustrated by Richard Doyle
Alfred A. Knopf 1999 Everyman's library children's classics
Everyman's Library 1999
リチャード・ドイル [著] ; 富山太佳夫編訳
弘文堂 1993.9 叢書・イギリスの思想と文化 1
R.ドイル絵 ; W.アリンガム詩 ; 矢川澄子訳
筑摩書房 1988.12 ちくま文庫
with an introduction by Lionel Lambourne and a memoir of Arnold Fawcus by Nicolas Barker
Victoria & Albert Museum 1985
by Richard Doyle ; with a poem, by William Allingham
Holp Shuppan 1984
Victoria and Albert Museum 1983
edited and annotated by Alexander Carlyle ; [illstrations by J. McNeill Whistler, G. F. Watts, Richard Doyle [et al.]]
University microfilms international 1981
v. 1 , v. 2
introduction and notes by Christopher Wheeler
John Bartholomew & Son in association with British Museum Publications 1980
Holp Shuppan 1979 複刻世界の絵本館 . オズボーン・コレクション||オズボーン コレクション
Graham Ovenden
Academy Editions , St. Martin's Press 1976
by John Ruskin ; illustrated by Richard Doyle
Dover Publications 1974
by Richard Doyle
Pierpont Morgan Library 1973
Benjamin Blom 1972
University Microfilms 1966 A Legacy library facsimile
the forty drawings Richard Doyle ; introduced by Michael Sadleir
Avalon Press & J. Bradley 1948
Daria Hambourg
Pellegrini & Cudahy [1948?] English masters of black-and-white