Welcker, Carola Giedion-
Giedion-Welcker, C. (Carola)
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Carola Giedion-Welcker ; Dokumentation Marguerite Hagenbach
A. Niggli , G. Hatje c1957
Available at 4 libraries
James Joyce ; [vom Verfasser autorisierte Übersetzung von Georg Goyert] ; Einführung von C. Giedion-Welcker
Rhein-Verlag c1956 Revidierte Ausg
Available at 2 libraries
Carola Giedion-Welcher ; selective bibliography by Bernard Karpel: Modern art and sculpture
Faber and Faber 1956
Carola Giediion-Welcker ; selective bibliography by Bernard Karpel: Modern art and sculpture
G. Wittenborn 1955 The documents of modern art v. 12
Carola Giedion-Welcker ; Bibliographie von Bernard Karpel
G. Hatje c1955
Available at 1 libraries
Carola Giedion-Welcker
Gerd Hatje [1954]
Carola Giedion-Welcker ; translated by Alexander Gode
Viking Press 1952
Available at 7 libraries
Faber and Faber 1952
Available at 8 libraries
herausgegeben von C. Giedion-Welcker
Fretz & Wasmuth c1941
Available at 3 libraries
C. Giedion-Welcker
H. Girsberger 1937