Lillian Gray
Ronald Press c1963 3rd ed
Lillian Gray, Dora Reese
Ronald Press c1957 2nd ed
William S. Gray... [et al.]
Scott, Forsman c1956 Teacher's edition Curriculum foundation series . The new basic readers
Fay Adams, Lillian Gray, Dora Reese
Ronald Press c1949
by A.S. Artley and Lilian Gray ; William S. Gray, reading editor ; stories by Ruth Wagner ; illustrated by Eleanor Capmbell
Scott, Foresman c1947 Reading for independence
by A.S. Artley and Lillian Gray ; William S. Gray, reading derector ; stories by Ruth Wagner ; illustrated by Ellen Segner
Scott, Forsman c1947 Curriculum foundation series . Reading for independence ; A
by William S. Gray, Lillian Gray
Scott, Foresman c1946 The 1946-47 ed Curriculum foundation series . Basic readers ; 1 ; 2
by William S. Gray, Marion Monroe, Lillian Gray
Scott, Foresman c1946 The 1946-47 ed Curriculum foundation series
Scott, Foresman c1946 The 1946-47 ed Curriculum foundation series . Basic readers ; 2 ; 2
Scott, Foresman c1946 The 1946-47 ed Curriculum foundation series . Basic readers ; 3 ; 2
Scott, Foresman c1946 The 1946-47 ed Curriculum foundation program . Basic readers ; 1 ; 2
Scott, Foresman c1946 The 1946-47 ed Curriculum foundation series . Basic readers ; 1 ; 1
by William S. Gray and Lillian Gray
Scott, Foresman c1946 The 1946-47 ed Curriculum foundation series . Basic readers ; 2 ; 1