Arne, T. A.
Arne, Thomas
アーン, トマス・オーガスティン (アーン, トマス・オーガスティン)
[ヤマハミュージックエンタテインメントホールディグス編著] ; 校訂, 堀江真理子
ヤマハミュージックエンタテインメントホールディングス 2020.3 改訂第4版 Yamaha piano library = ヤマハピアノライブラリー
2 楽譜(印刷) (いずれでもないもの)
辻裕久, なかにしあかね監修
カワイ出版 2018.11 イギリス歌曲シリーズ = British song series 2
楽譜(印刷) (スコア)
words by John Milton, John Dalton and others ; music by George Frideric Handel, Thomas Augustine Arne ; edited by Colin Timms ; vocal score
Novello c2016 The new Novello choral edition , Novello Handel edition
楽譜(印刷) (鍵盤楽器伴奏譜)
Thomas Arne ; edited by Simon McVeigh and Peter Lynan
Published for the Musica Britannica Trust established by the Royal Musical Association, Stainer and Bell 2016 Musica Britannica : a national collection of music 100
edited by Peter Lynan
Published for The Musica Britannica Trust established by The Royal Musical Association, Stainer and Bell 2013 Musica Britannica : a national collection of music 94
Brahms ... [et al.]
Gallo c2013
録音資料(音楽) (CD)
by Handel ... [et al.]
Hyperion c2012
Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments 2011, c2011 Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments collection series = 浜松市楽器博物館コレクションシリーズ 33
EMI Classics , Mfd. by EMI Music Japan c2010
Thomas Arne
Linn c2010
edited by Nicholas Temperley and Sally Drage
published for the Musica Britannica Trust established by the Royal Musical Association, Stainer and Bell 2007 Musica Britannica : a national collection of music 85
Avie c2006 Calliope : beautiful voice v. 1
Chaconne c2006
Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments 2005, p2005 Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments collection series = 浜松市楽器博物館コレクションシリーズ 3
edited by Frank La Forge
C. Fischer c2002 The masters collection
Thomas Augustine Arne
Accent [2001?]
Chandos p2001
Abel ... [et al.]
ASV p2001
Pearl p2000
BellaVoce c1999, p1998