Jommelli, Niccolò
Jomelli, Nicolò
ヨンメッリ, ニコロ (ヨンメッリ, ニコロ)
Niccolò Jommelli
Orfeo p1998
録音資料(音楽) (CD)
Présentation par Philippe Lescat
Éditions J.M. Fuzeau c1997 Fac-similé Jean-Marc Fuzeau Collection dominantes
楽譜(印刷) (いずれでもないもの)
Jomelli [i.e. Jommelli]
K617 c1996
Astrée , Auvidis distribution c1996
Virgin c1996 Veritas
EMI Classics c1996
Orfeo p1995
John Glenn Paton, editor
Alfred Pub. Co. c1994 Low
楽譜(印刷) (鍵盤楽器伴奏譜)
Alfred Pub. Co. c1994 Medium
Alfred Pub. Co. c1994 High
Pauline Viardot-Garcia
CPO p1989
Studio per edizioni scelte 1989 Archivum musicum . Flauto traversiere ; 18
Nicolò Jommelli ; introduction by Howard E. Smither
Garland 1986 The Italian oratorio, 1650-1800 : works in a central Baroque and Classic tradition / edited with introductions by Joyce L. Johnson and Howard E. Smither v. 18 , A Garland series
楽譜(印刷) (スコア)
Niccolò Jommelli ; introduction by Eric Weimer
Garland 1983 Italian opera, 1640-1770 : major unpublished works in a central Baroque and early classical tradition / selected and arranged by Howard Mayer Brown ser. 2 ; 91 , A Garland series
Niccolò Jommelli ; introduction by Howard Mayer Brown
Garland 1978 Italian opera, 1640-1770 : major unpublished works in a central Baroque and early classical tradition / selected and arranged by Howard Mayer Brown , A Garland series
Nicolo Jommelli ; Text von Mattia Verazi ; herausgegeben von Hermann Abert ; in Neuauflage herausgegeben und kritisch revidiert von Hans Joachim Moser
Breitkopf & Härtel , Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt 1958 Denkmäler deutscher Tonkunst 1. Folge, Bd. 32-33
Nicolò Jommelli ; revisione di Maffeo Zanon
Ricordi c1954
selected and edited with biographical notices by Alessandro Parisotti ; English translations by Theodore Baker
G. Schirmer c1926- Schirmer's library of musical classics v. 290-291
Book 1 , Book 2 楽譜(印刷) (スコア)
Nicolo Jommelli ; Text von Mattia Verazi ; herausgegeben von Hermann Abert
Breitkopf & Härtel 1907 Denkmäler deutscher Tonkunst 1. Folge, Bd. 32-33