Lilburn, John
Lilbourne, John
J. L. (John Lilburne)
Lilburn, Ian
Lilbourne, Lieut. Col.
Hurbin, Lionel
Lover of his country and sufferer for the common liberty
Lylborne, John
Lilbourne, Captaine
Lilburn, Iohn
by John Lilburne
The Rota 1971
Hiroshi Mizuta
Institute of Economic Research, Nagoya University 1970 調査と資料 / 名古屋大学経済学部経済調査室 [編] 第43号
Джон Лильберн
Гос. соц-экон. изд-во 1937
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))
[s.n.] [1649]
by Lieut. Col. John Lilburn, and divers other citizens of London, and borough of Southwark; February 26. 1648. whereunto his ſpeech delivered at the bar is annexed
British Library, Reference Division, Reprographic Section
Printed in the yeare the Beast was wounded 1638