Innocency and truth justified. Firſt againſt the unjuſt aſpertions of W. Prinn, affirmed in the 17th. page of his pamphlet, called A freſh diſcovery of prodigious new wandring blazing stars and fire brands, in eight lines of which there is above a dozen of uutruths, cleerly laid open. Next, by a juſt moderate reply, to his other pamphlet, called The lyar confounded, in which the caſe of Leiu. Coll. Lilburns impriſonment is truly ſtated, legally diſcuſſed, and vindicated, from the miſerable miſtatednesse thereof by William Prinn. As alſo by a cleere manifeſtation of the ſtrong and malitious indeavour of W. Prinn, unjuſtly to take away L.C. Lilburns life, by groundleſſe accuſing him of high treaſon, in deſigning and plotting to ſuppreſſe and cut of this preſent Parliament by force of armes; ... Unto which ... is annexed a coppy of a letter written by L.C.L. to one of his ſpecial friends when he was in his cruell close impriſonment, ... publiſhed now for the incouragement of the saints ...

Bibliographic Information

Innocency and truth justified. Firſt againſt the unjuſt aſpertions of W. Prinn, affirmed in the 17th. page of his pamphlet, called A freſh diſcovery of prodigious new wandring blazing stars and fire brands, in eight lines of which there is above a dozen of uutruths, cleerly laid open. Next, by a juſt moderate reply, to his other pamphlet, called The lyar confounded, in which the caſe of Leiu. Coll. Lilburns impriſonment is truly ſtated, legally diſcuſſed, and vindicated, from the miſerable miſtatednesse thereof by William Prinn. As alſo by a cleere manifeſtation of the ſtrong and malitious indeavour of W. Prinn, unjuſtly to take away L.C. Lilburns life, by groundleſſe accuſing him of high treaſon, in deſigning and plotting to ſuppreſſe and cut of this preſent Parliament by force of armes; ... Unto which ... is annexed a coppy of a letter written by L.C.L. to one of his ſpecial friends when he was in his cruell close impriſonment, ... publiſhed now for the incouragement of the saints ...

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Other Title

Innocency and truth justified. Let the quinteſcence of ſweetneſſe which is in the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, be alwayes your delight. London, printed according to order by Thomas Paine, 1646

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Produced by British Museum Photographic Service, London

Reprint. Originally published: [s.l.] : [s.n.], Printed in the yeare, 1645 [i.e. 1646]

In two parts, each with separate pagination and register. Part 2 caption title reads "Innocency and truth justified. Let the quinteſcence of ſweetneſſe which is in the Lord Jeſus Chriſt, be alwayes your delight. London, printed according to order by Thomas Paine, 1646." This is the "coppy of a letter written by L.C. L." referred to on the title page

L.C. L. = John Lilburne, who has signed part 2 at end

Annotation on Thomason copy: "Jan. 6th London Mr. Oulton [?]"; on page 1 of part 2: "Jan: 6th 1645" the second 6 in imprint date crossed out

References: ESTC R200505


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