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  • 発汗サーマルマネキンを用いた部位別着衣蒸発熱抵抗の測定
  • ハッカン サーマルマネキン オ モチイタ ブイ ベツ チャクイジョウハツネツ テイコウ ノ ソクテイ

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<p> To accurately simulate skin, core temperatures, and thermal comfort, certain human physiology and comfort models categorize the human body into multiple body parts. Most of these parts are normally clothed, which must be quantified in the simulation. However, existing databases of clothing evaporative resistance only characterize the evaporative resistance for the whole body and not for individual body parts. Clothing evaporative resistance for the whole body does not consider the actual characteristics of the clothing ensemble that is not uniformly distributed on each body part as considerable overlapping exists, and hence, the value is converted into clothing that uniformly covers the whole body. In other words, each body part has the same level of clothing evaporative resistance. However, using a constant value as input to each body part of a multi-segmented human physiology and comfort model may be one of the causes of simulation error. Therefore, while evaluating the human thermal physiology and comfort in detail, it is desirable to evaluate it by measuring the local clothing evaporative resistance.</p><p> In this research, we measured local clothing insulation and clothing evaporative resistance for 8 typical summer clothing ensembles in a climate chamber using a 20-segment sweating thermal manikin and presented the clothing insulation, evaporative resistance, clothing vapor permeation efficiency values for each body part as well as those for the whole body. For calculating the local clothing evaporative resistance, the heat loss method using the local heat flux supplied by the manikin was used and the calculated value was corrected with reference to the previous study. Further, the moisture permeability index for each body part was calculated using the obtained two values (local clothing insulation and clothing evaporative resistance).</p><p> As a result, it was observed that the local clothing insulation, clothing evaporative resistance, and clothing vapor permeation efficiency had comparative part differences for any clothing ensemble measured in this study because of the material of clothing and the state of overlaying. For example, clothing evaporative resistance of a foot wearing leather shoes was more than twice as large as that of the whole body, and the clothing vapor permeation efficiency was less than half of that of the whole body. Additionally, clothing insulation and clothing evaporative resistance values for body parts such as the stomach were much larger than those of the whole body. Hence, it was quantitatively shown that when we evaluate the human thermal physiology and comfort in detail for each part, it is necessary to consider the clothing thermal characteristics of each body part. The data of the local thermal characteristics of clothing obtained via this study is useful for the multi-segmented model of human physiology and comfort model.</p>


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