兵庫教育大学研究紀要 : 学校教育・幼年教育・教育臨床・障害児教育・言語系教育・社会系教育・自然系教育・芸術系教育・生活・健康系教育・総合学習系教育Hyogo University of Teacher Education journal : school education, infant and early childhood education, educational clinical psychology, education for handicapped children, language studies, social sciences, natural sciences, fine arts and music, practical life studies, integrated studies

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兵庫教育大学研究紀要 : 学校教育・幼年教育・教育臨床・障害児教育・言語系教育・社会系教育・自然系教育・芸術系教育・生活・健康系教育・総合学習系教育 = Hyogo University of Teacher Education journal : school education, infant and early childhood education, educational clinical psychology, education for handicapped children, language studies, social sciences, natural sciences, fine arts and music, practical life studies, integrated studies

兵庫教育大学 [編] = Hyogo University of Teacher Education

兵庫教育大学, 2004.9-2016.9

  • 25巻 (平16.9)-49巻 (平28.9)

Other Title

兵庫教育大学研究紀要 : 学校教育幼年教育教育臨床障害児教育言語系教育社会系教育自然系教育芸術系教育生活健康系教育総合学習系教育





School education, infant and early childhood education, educational clinical psychology, special support education, language studies, social sciences, natural sciences, fine arts and music, practical life studies, integrated studies

Foundations of education, clinical, health and special support education, social studies and language education, science, technology, and human life, physical exercise and arts education, attached schools

Fundamental studies of education, clinical, health and special support education, social studies and language education, science, technology, and human life education, physical education and arts education, attached schools

Fundations of education, clinical, health and special support education, social studies and language education, science, technology, and human life, physical exercise and arts education, attached schools

Human development education, special needs education, contents and methods development for teaching subjects, advanced professional development in school education, attached school

Human development education, special needs education, subject pedagogy and practical studies, advanced professional development in school education, attached school

Title Transcription

ヒョウゴ キョウイク ダイガク ケンキュウ キヨウ. ガッコウ キョウイク・ヨウネン キョウイク・キョウイク リンショウ・ショウガイジ キョウイク・ゲンゴケイ キョウイク・シャカイケイ キョウイク・シゼンケイ キョウイク・ゲイジュツケイ キョウイク・セイカツ・ケンコウケイ キョウイク・ソウゴウ ガクシュウケイ キョウイク

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タイトル関連情報変更: 学校教育・幼年教育・教育臨床・障害児教育・言語系教育・社会系教育・自然系教育・芸術系教育・生活・健康系教育・総合学習系教育 (-26巻 (平17.2))→学校教育・幼年教育・教育臨床・特別支援教育・言語系教育・社会系教育・自然系教育・芸術系教育・生活・健康系教育・総合学習系教育 (27巻 (平17.9)-28巻 (平18.3))→基礎教育学系臨床・健康教育学系社会・言語教育学系自然・生活教育学系体育・芸術教育学系附属学校園 (29巻 (平18.9)-38巻 (平23.2))→人間発達教育専攻特別支援教育専攻教育内容・方法開発専攻教育実践高度化専攻附属学校園 (39巻 (平23.9)-)→人間発達教育専攻特別支援教育専攻教科教育実践開発専攻教育実践高度化専攻附属学校園 (-49巻 (平28.9))

並列タイトル関連情報変更: School education, infant and early childhood education, educational clinical psychology, education for handicapped children, language studies, social sciences, natural sciences, fine arts and music, practical life studies, integrated studies (-26巻 (平17.2))→School education, infant and early childhood education, educational clinical psychology, special support education, language studies, social sciences, natural sciences, fine arts and music, practical life studies, integrated studies (27巻 (平17.9)-28巻 (平18.3))→Foundations of education, clinical, health and special support education, social studies and language education, science, technology, and human life, physical exercise and arts education, attached schools (29巻 (平18.9)-34巻 (平21.2))→Fundamental studies of education, clinical, health and special support education, social studies and language education, science, technology, and human life education, physical education and arts education, attached schools (35巻 (平21.9))

並列タイトル関連情報変更: Fundations of education, clinical, health and special support education, social studies and language education, science, technology, and human life, physical exercise and arts education, attached schools (36巻 (平22.2))→Fundamental studies of education, clinical, health and special support education, social studies and language education, science, technology, and human life education, physical education and arts education, attached schools (37巻 (平22.9)-38巻 (平23.2))→Human development education, special needs education, contents and methods development for teaching subjects, advanced professional development in school education, attached school (39巻 (平23.9)-)→Human development education, special needs education, subject pedagogy and practical studies, advanced professional development in school education, attached school (-49巻 (平28.9))

出版地変更: 社町 (兵庫県) (1巻 (平16.9)-27巻 (平17.9))→加東 (28巻 (平18.3)-49巻 (平28.9))



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    社町 (兵庫県)
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    Dead Status
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