
Advances in cryogenic engineering

Plenum Press, 1986-c2000

  • v. 31
  • v. 33
  • v. 35A
  • v. 35B
  • v. 37A
  • v. 37B
  • v. 39A
  • v. 39B
  • v. 41A
  • v. 41B
  • v. 43A
  • v. 43B
  • v. 45A
  • v. 45B


Advances in cryogenic engineering : proceedings of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 35



v. 1-25, 27, 29 は別書誌: Advances in cryogenic engineering<BA26862943>

v. 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36AB, 38AB, 40AB, 42AB, 44AB, 46ABは別書誌: Advances in cryogenic engineering materials <BA04005076>

v. 47以降別書誌:出版社変更、シリーズ追加による

Vol. 31. Proceedings of 1985 Cryogenic Enginnering Conference held in Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 12-16, 1985 / edited by R.W. Fast

Vol. 33. proceedings of 1987 Cryogenic Engineering Conference held in St. Charles, Illinois, June 14-18, 1987 / edited by R.W. Fast

Vol. 35A,B edited by R.W. Fast : Proceedings of the 1989 Cryogenic Engineering conference, held July 24-28, 1989, at UCLA, in Los Angeles, California

Vol. 37A,B edited by R.W. Fast : Proceedings of the 1991 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, held June 11-14, 1991, in Huntsville, Alabama

Vol. 39A,B edited by Peter Kittel : Proceedings of the 1993 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, held July 12-16, 1993, in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Vol. 41A,B edited by Peter Kittel : Proceedings of the 1995 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Held July 17-21, 1995 in Columbus, Ohio

Vol. 43A,B edited by Peter Kittel : Proceedings of the 1997 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, held July 28-August 1, 1997, in Portland, Oregon

Vol. 45A,B edited by William Burt ...[et al.] : Proceedings of the 1999 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, held July 12-15, 1999, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada



v. 31 ISBN 9780306422911


The 1985 joint Cryogenic Engineering/International Cryogenic Materi als Conference was held on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. About 350 papers were presented at the joint conference on a wide variety of topics in cryogenic science and engineering. This volume of Advances in cryogenic Eogineerlng, the thirty-first in the series which began in 1954, contains most of the papers which were presented at the 1985 Cryogenic Engineering Conference. Each paper was rigorously peer reviewed to maintain the international reputation of Advances as the premier archival publication in the field of cryoscience, engineering, and technology. All the papers published in Volume 31 contain an abstract. A copy of the book will be sent to all maj or abstracting services, which should improve retrieval of the information contained in the published papers. I would like to thank the authors and those who served as reviewers. I especially appreciate the assistance of my colleague M. E. Stone who edited some of the papers for this volume. Terry Gutierrez was invaluable in preparing the manuscripts for publication, and I thank her. xvii DEDICATION Dr. Samuel C. Collins, Professor Emeritus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, internationally known as the father of practical helium liquefiers and founder of the MIT Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory, died on June 19, 1984, in George Washington University Hospital, Washington, DC."

v. 33 ISBN 9780306428012


The 1987 joint Cryogenic Engineering Conference/International Cryogenic Materials Conference was held at the Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles, lliinois from June 14 to 18. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, located a few kilometers from Pheasant Run, was the host for this conference. There is a great deal of cryogenic research and development underway at Fermilab and many applications of cryogenic materials and systems are in rou­ tine, daily use at the Tevatron. The technical program for the joint conference had over 300 invited and contributed papers from many different countries. The CEC board and I have tried to dramatically shorten the publication time of this volume of Advances in Cryogenic Engineering. In order to help meet the goal of the February publication, I asked the reviewers to complete their reviews before leaving Pheasant Run, after the conference. I would like to thank all of the reviewers for their prompt and throughtful reviews. I very much appreciate the authors following the prescribed format and responding quickly to my requests for revisions.


  • Applications of Superconductivity—Magnets.- Applications of Superconductivity—Electronics, Rectifiers.- Applications of Superconductivity—Magnet Stability, Coil Protection.- Applications of Superconductivity—Cryogenic Techniques.- Insulation.- Heat Transfer to Liquid Helium and Nitrogen, Flow Regimes.- Heat and Mass Transfer in He II, Superfluid Pumps.- Refrigeration for Superconducting Systems.- Cold Compressors.- Refrigeration and Liquefaction
  • Dilution Refrigerators.- Magnetic Refrigeration
  • Materials for Magnetic Refrigeration.- Cryocoolers
  • Refrigeration for Space Applications.- Cryogenic Applications—Space Science and Technology.- Commercial Cryogenic Plants.- Properties of Cryogenic Fluids.- Cryogenic Instrumentation and Data Acquisition
  • Control Systems.- Miscellaneous Cryogenic Applications and Techniques.- Indexes.- Author Index.

v. 35B ISBN 9780306435973


The 1989 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, meeting jointly with the International Cryogenic Materials Conference, was held on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles from July 24 to 28. Professor T.H.K. Frederking was the conference chairman. The Conference had previously met at U.C.L.A. in 1962 and 1969. A special symposium, "A Half Century of Superfluid Helium," was a significant part of the program of CEC-89. We were especially fortunate to have Professor Jack Allen of the University of St. Andrews, Scotland present at the Conference; his paper, "Early Superfluidity in Cambridge, 1936 to 1939," was a delightful, often humorous account of the early experimental work with superfluid helium. Professors V.L. Ginzburg and J.L. Olesen could not be present for the Symposium, but provided papers which are published in these proceedings. The late Bill Fairbank, responding graciously to a last-minute invitation from Professor Frederking, presented a wonderful account of superfluid research in the United States in the post-war years.


  • A.- Half Century of Superfluid Helium.- Fifty Years of Superfluid Helium.- Understanding Some of the Mysteries of Superfluid Helium.- Discovery and Properties of Quantized Vortices in Helium II.- Early Superfluidity in Cambridge, 1936 to 1939.- Mendelssohn and Superfluid Helium Film Work at the Clarendon Laboratory.- Development of the theory of Superfluidity in the USSR: Some Remarks.- He II Technology Development in Japan.- Tore Supra and He II Cooling of Large High Field Magnets.- Science and Applications of He-II in Space.- The Thermo-Mechanical Effect of Superfluid Helium and its Technical Application.- Heat and Mass Transfer in Helium.- Numerical Studies on the Influence of Superfluid Turbulence on Heat Transfer in Liquid He II.- The Evolution of Axisymmetric Heat Pulses in He II - Critical Heat Flux and Heating Time.- Some Results on the Heat Transfer in Solid-Liquid He II.- Transient Heat Transfer to Superfluid Liquid Helium.- Mathematical Simulation of Nonstationary Thermal State of Superfluid Helium in Channel.- Numerical Computation of Thermal Shock Wave in He II.- Experiments on the Breakdown of Heat Transfer in Liquid Helium II.- Heat Transfer Related to Superconducting Magnet Stability: He II-He I Dynamic Limits.- Dynamic and Transient Stability of He II Cooled Conductors.- Design and Performance of Forced-Flow He II Heat Exchangers.- The Liquid/Vapor Phase Boundary in a Porous Plug.- Superfluid Transition of 4He Films Adsorbed in Porous Superleaks.- Pressure Drop of He II Flow Through a Porous Media.- Active Phase Separation of He II Using Porous Media.- Non-Linear Porous Plug Heat Flow: Large Pore Limit Versus Size-Dependent Flux Density.- The Fountain Effect in Aerospace Cryogenics.- Fountain Effect Pump Driven Helium Flow at Steady and Unsteady Heat Load.- He II Flow Phenomena Through Fountain Effect Pump Element.- Measurements of the Critical Velocity of Hydraulic Cavitation in Superfluid 4He.- A Thin Film Flowmeter for Use in Liquid Helium II.- Laser Doppler Velocimeter Measurement of Thermal Counterflow Jet in He II.- Application of He II: Cooling Superconducting Devices.- Operational Experience with the 1.75 K Tore Supra Refrigerator.- A Large 1.8 K Facility for Magnet Tests.- 2.0 K Cebaf Cryogenics.- Production of Pressurized Superfluid Helium II by Directly Compressing Saturated Superfluid Helium II.- Applications of He II: Superfluids in Space.- Thermal Design and Test of Irts Cryostat.- Computer Based Control of the Superfluid Helium on-Orbit Transfer Space Shuttle Experiment.- Superfluid Helium Onorbit Resupply.- A Design and Critical Technology Issues for on-Orbit Resupply of Superfluid Helium.- Experimental Verification of a Tank to Tank He II Transfer Model with Trade Study Results.- A Conceptual Study for a Superfluid Helium Tanker (Sfht).- Comparison of SIRTF Dewar Performance in the 900 km and 100,000 km Orbits.- Testing and Application of a Motorized Valve for the Containment of Superfluid Helium.- Heat Transferto Liquid Helium and Liquid Nitrogen.- An Experimental Study of Free Convection in Horizontal Tubes with Different End Temperatures.- Effect of System Pressure and Liquid Subcooling on Quasi-Steady Nucleate Boiling and its Life for Liquid Helium I.- Transient Heat Transfer into Liquid Helium under Controlled Heat Generation.- Numerical Analysis of Heating Induced Transient Flow in Supercritical Helium.- Onset of Nucleate and Film Boiling Resulting from Transient Heat Transfer to Liquid Hydrogen.- Heat Transfer in Pressurized Liquid Hydrogen at Low Values of Film ?T.- An Experimental Investigation of Film-Condensation Heat Transfer of Hydrogen in a Vertical Tube.- Evaluation of a Novel Enhanced Boiling Surface in Cryogenic Liquids.- Heterogeneous Spontaneous Nucleation Temperature on Solid Surface in Liquid Nitrogen.- Transient Heat Transfer in Liquid Nitrogen.- Operating Characteristics of Two-Phase Nitrogen Thermosyphons.- An Experimental Study of Gas Spring Heat Transfer in Reciprocating Cryogenic Machinery.- Qualitative Investigation of Cryogenic Fluid Injection into a Supersonic Flow Field.- Multi-Layer Insulation.- Experimental Studies of MLI Systems at Very Low Boundary Temperatures.- Thermal Performance Measurements of a 100 Percent Polyester MLI System for the Superconducting Super Collider
  • Part I: Instrumentation and Experimental Preparation (300 K – 80 K).- Thermal Performance Measurements of a 100 Percent Polyester MLI System for the Superconducting Super Collider
  • Part II: Laboratory Results (300 K – 80 K).- A Blanket Design, Apparatus, and Fabrication Techniques for the Mass Production of Multilayer Insulation Blankets for the Superconducting Super Collider.- Applications of Superconductivity: Magnets and Other Devices.- Experience in the Operation of the International Fusion Superconducting Magnet Test Facility.- Development of Superconducting Magnet Systems for MRI.- Superconducting Machinery for Ship Propulsion.- Superconducting Magnet Systems for Physical Research.- Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage and Other Large-Scale SDI Cryogenic Applications Programs.- Superconductor Magnetic Energy Storage for Power System Control.- Design of a 200 kA Conductor for Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES).- Magnetic Field and Force Calculations for an SSC Detector Solenoid Using a Commercial Finite Element Code.- Structural Performance of the First SSC Design B Dipole Magnet.- Quench Characteristics of Full-Length SSC R&D Dipole Magnets.- Tests of High Gradient Superconducting Quadrupole Magnets for the Tevatron.- Epoxy Impregnated Solenoid Coil Training Dependence on Boundary Forces and Peak Field.- Performance of Nb3Sn Tape Magnet Cooled by Indirect Conduction Method.- Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide Superconducting to Normal Transition Characterization for a Solenoid Configuration.- A Self-Rotating Magnet Levitating Above a YBCO Specimen.- New Generation of Superconductive Flux Pumps.- Development of Superconducting AC Fault Current Limiter.- Material Effects on the 4 Kelvin AC Efficiency of Moving Coil Linear Actuators.- High Magnetic Field Shielding Devices with Superconducting NbTi-Cu Multilayer Films.- Thermal Design and Evaluation of the CEBAF Superconducting RF Cavity’s Prototype Waveguide.- Applications of Superconductivity
  • Magnet Stability, Coil Protection.- Stability of Superconducting Magnet Systems Subject to Thermal Disturbances.- Stability of Current-Carrying Elements of Superconducting Magnets to Thermal Disturbances.- Propagatory Velocity of the Normal Zone in a Cable-in-Conduit Conductor.- Theoretical Study of Quench in Superconducting Magnet Systems.- Normal Zone Dynamics in Superconductors with Porous Coatings.- Variational Principle for Critical Heat of Quench in Partially Stabilized Superconducting Magnets.- Frictional Motion of Conductor in Superconducting Magnet and Quantification of Disturbance Energy.- Peculiarities of Void Fraction Measurement Applied to Physical Installation Channels Cooled by Forced Helium Flow.- A New Protection Scheme for High Current Density Magnets.- Applications of Superconductivity: Cryogenic Techniques a Convenient Method for Testing High-Current Superconducting Cables.- A Convenient Method for Testing High-Current Superconducting Cables.- Inductive Energy Insertion for SMES Conductor Stability Testing.- Short Sample Testing Facility for the Superconducting Super Collider: Requirements and Development Status.- A Cryogenic Test Stand for Full Length SSC Magnets with Superfluid Capability.- Retractable Gas Cooled Leads for Astomag.- Low Heat Leak Current Leads for Space Borne Magnets.- Use of Glass Beads to Increase the Breakdown Voltage in Subatmospheric, Cold Helium Gas.- Optimal Design of Cryogenic Bucking Cylinder for Space Borne Toroidal Magnets.- An All-Metal, Reusable, Cryogenic Seal.- Thermal Conduction of SSC Wire.- Minimization of Total Refrigeration Power of Liquid Neon and Nitrogen Cooled Intercepts for SMES Magnets.- Optimal Thermal Design of Helium Dewar with Liquid Nitrogen and Vapourized Helium Cooled Intercepts.- Basic Experiment on the Indirect Cooling for Superconducting Magnets.- Warmup Analysis of the Sultan-III Superconducting Split Coil System.- Refrigeration for Electronics.- Cooling of very Large Focal Plane Arrays.- Cooling of High Power Density Electronic Chips.- Design and Operating Characteristics of an open Cycle Cooling System for Superconducting High Speed Electronics.- A Cryogenic Cycling Apparatus for Superconducting Thin-Film Integrated Circuits.

v. 39B ISBN 9780306448546


The Albuquerque Convention Center was the venue for the 1993 Cryogenic Engineering Conference. The meeting was held jointly with the International Cryogenic Materials Conference. Walter F. Stewart, of Los Alamos National Laboratory, was conference chairman. Albuquerque is near Los Alamos National Laboratory which has been a significant contributor to the cryogenics community since the early days of the Manhattan Project. Albuquerque is also the home of the Air Force's Phillips Laboratory which has a lead role in developing cryocoolers. The program consisted of 322 CEC papers, more than a 30% increase from CEC-91 and 20% more than CEC-89. This was the largest number of papers ever submitted to the CEC. Of these, 249 papers are published here, in Volume 39 of Advances in Cryogenic Engineering. Once again the volume is published in two books. This volume includes a cumulative index for the CEC volumes from 1975-1993 (volumes 21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37, and 39 of Advances in Cryogenic Engineering). The first 20 volumes are indexed in Volume 20. A companion cumulative index for the ICMC volumes (volumes 22 through 40) appears in Volume 40. This is my first volume as editor. I would not have been able to have done it without the assistance of the many reviewers. Especially appreciated was the instruction manual left me by the previous editor, Ron Fast.


Transportation Applications. Wind Tunnels. Space Applications. Magnet: Design and Performance. Magnet: Cooling. Magnet: Technology and Applications. Large Scale Systems. Large Hadron Collider. Superconducting Super Collider. Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage. Compressors and Expanders. Mechanisms and Machinery. Safety. Instrumentation and Control. Cryocoolers: Analysis and Technology. Cryocoolers: Regenerative. Cryocoolers: Recuperative. Heat Exchangers and Cryopumps. Heat and Mass Transfer: General. Heat and Mass Transfer: Boiling. Heat and Mass Transfer: Helium II. Cryogenic Properties. Miscellaneous Techniques and Application. 249 articles. Index.

v. 41B ISBN 9780306453007


The Hyatt Regency Hotel, Columbus, Ohio was the venue for the 1995 Cryogenic Engineering Conference. The meeting was held jointly with the International Cryogenic Materials Conference. Jim Peeples, of CVI, Inc., was conference chairman. Columbus is the home of the Battelle Memorial Institute, a pioneer in cryogenic materials development; the home of CVI, Inc., and Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc., two leading manufacturers of cryogenic equipment; and it is the home of Ohio State University, where research on liquid helium has long been conducted. The program consisted of 315 CEC papers, nearly the same number as for CEC-91. This was the second largest number of papers ever submitted to the CEC. Of these, 252 papers are published here, in Volume 41 of Advances in Cryogenic Engineering. Once again the volume is published in two books. This volume includes a number of photographs taken during the awards lunch on July 20, 1995. Photographs have often been taken during the conferences, but they have never been used. The pictures are of the awardees, the conference chairs, and the organizers. They are distributed through out the books on pages that would otherwise have been blank. The pictures can be found on the following pages: 28, 232, 334, 536, 640, 826, 990, 1032, 1202, 1462,1682,1888, and 1994.


  • Cryobiology: Engineering Aspects of Cryobiology
  • L. Wolfinbarger, Jr. Heat and Mass Transfer: General: Supplemental Multilayer Insulation Research Facility. Heat and Mass Transfer: Boiling: Influence of Heater Orientation on Fluctuations in Steadystate Nucleate Boiling
  • W.F. Osborne, et al. Heat and Mass Transfer: Helium II: Special Physical Problems Related to Heat Transfer in Bath of Superfluid Helium
  • R. Wang. Magnet: Design and Performance: Thermal Conductance of Heat Transfer Interfaces for Conductively Cooled Superconducting Magnets
  • T.L. Cooper, et al. Magnet: Technology and Applications: New Calorimetric AC Loss Measurement Technique Involving Superfluid Helium
  • B.J.P. Baudouy, et al. Current Leads: On the Thermal Stability Length Dependence of High TC Superconductors
  • B.Z. Maytal, et al. Large Scale Systems: Commissioning and Operation of the CEBAF End Station Refrigeration System
  • D. Arenius, et al. Large Hadron Collider. TeV Electron Superconducting Linear Accelerator. Mechanisms and Machinery. Cryofuels. Minesweeping. Space Applications. Cryocoolers: General. Crycoolers: Pulse Tube. Instrumentation and Control. Safety. Miscellaneous Techniques and Applications. 244 additional articles. Index.

v. 43B ISBN 9780306458071


The Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, was the venue for the 1997 Cryogenic Engineering Conference. The meeting was held jointly with the International Cryogenic Materials Conference. John Barclay, of the University of Victoria, and David Smathers, of Cabot Performance Materials, were conference chairmen. Portland is the home of Northwest Natural Gas, a pioneer in the use of liquid natural gas, and Portland State University, where cryogenic research has long been conducted. The program consisted of 350 CEC papers, considerable more than CEC-95. This was the largest number of papers ever submitted to the CEC. Of these, 263 papers are published here, in Volume 43 of Advances in Cryogenic Engineering. Once again the volume is published in two books. CEC PAPER REVIEW PROCESS Since 1954 Advances in Cryogenic Engineering has been the archival publication of papers presented at the biennial CEC!ICMC conferences. The publication includes invited, unsolicited, and government sponsored research papers in the research areas of cryogenic engineering and applications. All of the papers published must (1) be presented at the conference, (2) pass the peer review process, and (3) report previously unpublished theoretical studies, reviews, or advances in cryogenic engineering.


  • Part A: Superconductivity Applications: Emerging 21st Century Markets and Outlook for Applied Superconducting Products
  • C.H. Rosner. Superconducting RF Technologies: Large Applications and Challenges of State-of-the-Art Superconducting Rf(SRF) Technologies
  • Q.-S. Shu. Magnets - Design and Performance: Magnets - Technology and Applications: A Gaseous-Helium Cooling System for a High-Tc Superconducting Coil
  • K.G. Herd, et al. Large Hadron Collider-LHC: Large Scale Systems: Mechanisms and Machinery: Instrumentation and Control: Cryoelectronics: Cryobiology and Medical Applications: Space Applications: Antarctica: Part B: Electric Power Applications: Alaska SMES - Form and Function for the World's Largest Magnet
  • S.F. Kral, et al. Transportation Applications: Optimized LNG Storage Tanks for Fleet-Size Refueling Stations with Local LNG Liquefiers
  • J.A. Barclay, et al. Thermal Properties and Mass Transport: Current Status of Thermodynamic Properties of Cryogenic Fluids
  • R.T. Jacobsen, et al. Helium Properties and Mass Transport: Heat Exchangers, Cryopumps, and Heat Pipes: Cryocoolers - Regenerative: Cryocoolers - Pulse Tubes: 257 Additional Articles. Author Index. Subject Index.

v. 45B ISBN 9780306464430


In recent years, the technology of cryogenic comminution has been widely applied in the field of chemical engineering, food making, medicine production, and particularly in recycling of waste materials. Because of the increasing pollution of waste tires and the shortage of raw rubber resource, the recycling process for waste rubber products has become important and commercially viable. This technology has shown a great number of advantages such as causing no environmental pollution, requiring low energy consumption and producing high quality products. Hence, the normal crusher which was used to reclaim materials, such as waste tires, nylon, plastic and many polymer materials at atmospheric 12 temperature is being replaced by a cryogenic crusher. • In the cryogenic crusher, the property of the milled material is usually very sensitive to temperature change. When a crusher is in operation, it will generate a great deal of heat that causes the material temperature increased. Once the temperature increases over the vitrification temperature, the material property will change and lose the brittle behavior causing the energy consumption to rise sharply. Consequently, the comminution process cannot be continued. Therefore, it is believed that the cryogenic crusher is the most critical component in the cryogenic comminution system. The research on the temperature increase and energy consumption in the cryogenic crusher is not only to reduce the energy consumption of the crasher, but also to reduce the energy consumption of the cryogenic system.


Foreword. Samuel C. Collins Award. Russell B. Scott, Memorial Awards. Student Awards. 1999 Cryogenic Engineering Conference Board. Acknowledgments. Part A: Pulse Tube Cryocoolers: (I). Pulse Tube Cryocoolers: (II). G-M and Stirling Cryocoolers. Regenerators: Materials and Analyses. Cryogenic Space Applications. Other Cryocooler Applications. Superconducting Magnets. Superconducting Magnets: Materials. Superconducting Cavities: (I). Superconducting RF Cavities: (II). Part B: He II Systems. He II Phenomena. Fluid Mechanism and Heat Transfer: (I). Fluid Mechanism and Heat Transfer: (II). Large Scale Refrigerators and Liquefiers: (I). Large Scale Refrigerators and Liquefiers: (II). SC Power Leads and Cable. Cryogenic Electronics. Other Superconducting Devices. Cryostat and Thermal Insulation. Other Novel Devices. Cryogenic Instruments and Controls.

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